For those who might be interested in this folk tradition I wrote about it here and there's the poem "Ballad of the Mari Lywd" by Vernon Watkins here
The life and adventures of a mildly dotty old bird.
Thursday, 29 December 2022
Horse play
For those who might be interested in this folk tradition I wrote about it here and there's the poem "Ballad of the Mari Lywd" by Vernon Watkins here
Saturday, 24 December 2022
Christmas 2022
In all of the years I've been blogging I don't think I've ever take any photos of snow in December. This was the lovely view which greeted me after I finished work one day.
Sending everyone festive greetings however you choose to spend Christmas.
Aril, Mr GBT, TYM & Humphrey
Friday, 23 December 2022
"No more twist"
I twisted Mr GBT's arm to take a couple of hours off from his furniture making and join me over at Nymans as my regular client was away last week. We struck gold as it was another of those bitterly cold, but clear, bright Winter days that I love so much.
As ever the National Trust know how to do a highly original Christmas with a dash of class with just the right level of whimsy. This year Nymans has based the garden and house around Beatrix Potter's charming "The Tailor of Gloucester" and effortlessly carried the display through from the outdoors to inside. It was a favourite tale of mine as a child, but I haven't read it for many years and so it reminded me of the detail of the story. It has inspired me to add more children's fiction into my reading mix in the New Year [it's good to take your adult head off once in a while I find] and I intend to reread some old stories and find some new ones. I have already been lent "Dark is Rising" by Susan Cooper so my campaign is underway! Anyway enough of my waffle...let's get back to huge cotton reels and teeny mice shall we🐁🐭
Thursday, 22 December 2022
Tip Topper
My name is Aril and I have a problem....every bleeding time I see one of these toppers I cannot resist the urge to pull over and photograph them😁 I think there must be a team of stealth elfs who sneak out after dark because they appear overnight and then disappear just as mysteriously. I note that this year they have been secured in place because some "walked" suspects the tea leaf was wearing beer goggles at the time. I started a fortnight ago and a whole crop have since sprung up. As I reached double figures my little brain started to whisper about making it a tidy 12...except now I see I've miscounted and it's actually a baker's dozen I've managed. Ah well for those not in favour of the schmalz of the festive season [I've just about reached my limit] I thought I'd get it all out of my system in one go🎄🎅🤶⛄ Please feel free to scroll past!
Some of those shown have teeny mice on [made by the same elf one suspects] and tomorrow's post will be featuring more mice, but the content is National Trust related not specifically Christmas!
Wednesday, 21 December 2022
Yule 2022
Yule blessings to all and hail the returning light. We made it into Stonehenge again at the kind invitation of the Cotswolds Druid Order. It was fabulous to be part of their Winter Solstice celebrations, but there was nowt around in the way of sun....let's just say the conditions were rather more challenging than on previous occasions 🌧 However, I'm delighted to say that the wizard/shaman kit I made for the side had its inaugural outing even if it was a slightly surreal experience to see one of my fellow dancers performing in it. It was the first time I'd seen the whole lot worn together as I'd already passed over the mask before I'd finished the front. I hope to get a clearer photo of it for my own records when the weather is rather more clement!
Tuesday, 20 December 2022
Morning....isn't the sunshine such a gift after all that rain of the last couple of days. I could have stayed here and wrapped some presents, but I can do that later on this evening. Much better for body and soul to get out early and enjoy the beautiful weather before I go to work. Naturally I was on the hunt for specific festive related content [I'm a girl who likes to have a plan up her sleeve], but I wanted to make the most of my time so please pour yourself a mulled wine and enjoy a couple of minutes out of your busy day. Just the sights from around the town centre.
To start with this one is pretty random. I think the home owners have had some greenery cut back and suddenly this topiary rabbit popping up from behind the wall has appeared🐇
Friday, 16 December 2022
Moments of joy
This TED talk really resonated with me. I have discovered that I'm quite well suited to finding moments of joy. Hope everyone has a good weekend!
Tuesday, 13 December 2022
Richard III woz 'ere...briefly
When we bought a new computer a few months ago it came with a very shiny sticker on it. You may quite rightly wonder why I've opened t...

Certainly a new twist on the usual blue plaque. It made us laugh and had us scratching our heads. It just seemed rather odd, but even th...
I'm leaving today's post in the very capable hands of The Cure. Was a huge fan back in the day and still enjoy hearing their unique...
Isn't it a tad frustrating when you see something you think you'd really enjoy and you can't manage it for a multitude of reason...