Thursday, 3 March 2022

A Spring Bouquet

Whilst the weather may be have been of the damp and grey variety this week, Shy Spring is beginning to peep round the skirts of Winter. Just a walk into town to run errands on Monday afternoon once I'd finished work. It's amazing how differently I look at things if I have my camera with me. 

This is the recently restored loveseat in the park. It used to be tucked away rather unnoticed, but the wonderful volunteers have worked their magic and it now has pride of place in the scented garden.

Yes you might well ask how the skirt fits in....I might have accidentally fallen into Oxfam...normally this isn't a problem because I don't see anything I want 99% of the time. It's the other 1% that is so dangerous.....a combination of stunning kantha stitching [more blooms in amongst all that lot] and bright colours was always going to steal my heart and come home with me. The pleasure this will give me for a mere £7.99 [not a bad price for the very expensive South East]. Once I got it home I realised it's made by Anokhi which is a name I am familiar with from Vintage Vixen's blog. She's taught me well!!



  1. I love the tiny violets, it was always a joy to stumble upon them when we used to go for country walks.

    1. There was a whole bank of them along the verge. Always so love to see the first ones each year. Arilx

  2. I ADORE Crocuses- you caught them at their prime! I miss our rental bungalow that was full of them in the Spring!
    Oooh, you DID do well on the Anokhi skirt- what a beauty! I always look out for it now after Vix has educated us!x

    1. I was very pleased with my skirt. Just need to wear it now! Arilx

  3. Found it!! That skirt is glorious and an absolute bargain! xxx



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