Wednesday, 1 January 2025

A Treasure of a Day

Yesterday didn't pan out as I had planned. In truth that wasn't exactly surprising as my only plan had been to take my foot off the pedal and freewheel for a few hours. I knew that I was in need of a leg stretch and some fresh air so with only the vaguest of notions I headed for the community fridge. It turned out to be one of my better decisions because they had masses of leftover Christmas food to give away. Even with only taking what I could realistically use I still left with two bags full and will be able to send TYM home with several bits to help him out.

Starting on my homeward plod the free bookcase in the shopping centre (a recent and rather marvellous discovery) caused me to make a brief diversion. It's fairly predictable that I will be unable to leave without a new-to-me tome tucked under my arm. The shelves are stuffed with an ever rotating selection of treasures and this was mine. The cover gives nothing away, but this childhood classic is a personal favourite of mine. The minute I caught a glimpse of those coloured plates it was a foregone conclusion. I choose this picture because of the New Year's day rain we've had here today🌧☔ Within its pages I feel there are some lovely bits of simple homespun wisdom. Most of us have an Eeyore, a Tigger, a Piglet and a Pooh Bear type in our lives don't we. I do my bit by regularly contributing books I no longer need or returning the fiction ones when I've read them.

Having had such a lovely morning full of surprises it turned out that the universe hadn't quite finished with me yet. In my absence and in a moment of decluttering madness (an exceptionally rare occurrence) Mr GBT had decided to sort out a couple of his many man drawers. Although I'm an avid sorter outerer with a natural tendency towards tidiness (our son takes after me), he is not so we have agreed upon areas that I simply never touch as a means of keeping the balance. He unearthed all sorts of things including this still wrapped miniature gift for me which is at least from six years ago!!

 Ah well there's much truth in the saying 'good things come to those that wait'. I'm pretty sure that I'm not going to be seeing a repeat of Mr GBT's behaviour anytime soon.... he's definitely back to normal 😆





  1. Treasures indeed☺️ Happy New Year from our home to yours xx

  2. Loving the miniature! Yours and Mr GBT's agreement sounds like ours, Jon's horribly untidy! xxx

  3. Same here! Jos has got a couple of drawers containing a jumble of stuff and his tool kit is an absolute mess, yet he's still claiming he knows where everything is (not!).
    That book would have come home with me as well, by the way! xxx



  When we bought a new computer a few months ago it came with a very shiny sticker on it. You may quite rightly wonder why I've opened t...