Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Local Yokels On A Sunday Stroll

After a weekend at home spent doing Useful Things- lots of baking, jam making, mending and making [is it not perfectly normal to spend one's time knitting a dishcloth with a skull on?!!], Park Run and a Mabon celebration with chums we decided to stick our boots on and head off out of our front door to see what we could see. An hour and a 99 with a flake no less [oh yes I like to live dangerously] later we returned refreshed. A few snaps of what we encountered for your delectation.

As we pootled along the residential streets near to our home I enjoyed the peeks it gave me into people's lives as I was able to view their front gardens. I love to theorise about who lives in these homes by how they choose to decorate the outside. One lady had a small china cat surrounded by plastic spiders and toy mice on her windowsill. I hasten to add this was outside- I was not peering through windows. This one I rather liked.

We also encountered two chaps restoring a couple of vintage cars. They were very gracious and gave us permission to take photos.

There are still plenty of flowers in bloom. I'm a sucker for a big blousey dahlia but it was a refreshing change to see the blue border in our local park when everything is turning to Autumnal hues. The local council had scraped away the grass and sprinkled seed over the bare patches which, to be frank, did not look in the least bit promising a few weeks ago but I am delighted to be proved wrong. I noticed them when I was slogging around for the Park Run the day before and took Mr GBT back to see them.

The wheel is definitely turning and the seasonal tints appearing. The red garlands of ivy are festooned across a wall in a small public space just yards away from our home as the buzzard circled ahead.

Local and lovely- just perfect.


1 comment:

Little Things

Seeing as there's very little to report in the way of blogworthy things this week, I thought that I'd get in a spot of much needed p...