Monday, 31 December 2018

The Non Bleak Mid Winter

Overcast, windy and a touch nippy were the conditions that met us when we went up onto the South Downs on Saturday for a blast of fresh air. A fairly typical December day then....there's always beauty to be had though. A small patch of vermilion berries set against egg yoke yellow gorse flowers.

A Happy New Year's Eve to one and all. Unlike TYM we won't be out on the razzle clubbing. Instead I shall be glad to quietly pull up the drawbridge and enjoy an evening in. It's been amazing seeing lots of friends and family, but at heart I'm a sociable introvert and ready to take some time out.



  1. I too will be spending the evening at home on my own. I've never really liked the boozy, rowdy celebrations that most family and friends seem to enjoy, so I'm doing my own thing this time.

    Happy New Year to you and your family. xx

  2. And the very best to you too Eileenx

  3. Happy New Year. We went to bed early on New Years Eve, and woke on News Years Day. I have never been a party animal

    Julie xxxxxxx

  4. What ebullient colours!!
    We went to my Brother-in-Law's flat and the 3 of us cooked a nice meal and played board games! I didn't want to go out. Wish we'd gone to bed earlier though!



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