Tuesday, 1 January 2019

New Year New Word

I am starting 2019 as I intend to carry on, so please allow me to start with a deliciously new word...


It is, of course, not a new word, but a slang one meaning to travel purposefully toward as un-yet-known destination and gloriously sums up where I am right now.  I'm not making any dratted resolutions...they make me very miserable and I wish to focus on the Happy bit of New Year. All I can tell you is that I shall be forging ahead on a make, bake, create way of doing things. No idea what meandering directions it may take me in, but what the heck....change can be exciting.



  1. I have a wonderful quote by Walt Disney "The Way to Get Started is to Quit Talking and Begin Doing". May I join you on the meandering road..?

    Julie xxxxx

    1. Please do. I love that quote and am adding it to my notebook I keep of inspirational jottings. Thanks

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks. Hope you've had a good day too.

  3. blessings and here is to a most coddiwompling 2019 x!

  4. That's a marvellous word!! I approve!! I didn't make any resolutions as such apart from ways I would like to have fun with my weekend this year so it was all good things! Oh and the going to bed early thing which is so far not workign!x



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