Wednesday, 9 January 2019

Lost and Found

Now I'm at the glorious age where I could tell you the collar size of the chap's shirt across the road if he stood with his label poking out in his kitchen, but am utterly incapable of reading ingredients on food packets, making out menus or threading a needle without my glasses. I don't need specs for driving, day to day stuff or watching the TV which leaves me often having to hunt around for them when I do need them.

Over time the novelty of playing hunt the glasses case has worn off rather. Upon reflection I don't think the matter is helped by the dratted thing being such a pale grey as it shows up even less. Last week I finally lost the will to live with it and took matters into my own permanent black marker and a fist full of felt tips later I feel the revamped version should not now find it so easy to evade capture.

 I could have bought a new one, but if I'm making a concerted effort to stuff the stuff and buy even less mass produced this year then I have to think up new solutions with what I already have. Thankfully this will be a one off and not appearing in an Etsy shop near you anytime soon!



  1. I too am at that awkward age of seeing clearly cross county but can not see to put my mascara on.... try that with/without glasses.... so I have a pair constantly atop my head coz I soon got fed up looking for them. Which is fine until it is winter and I then attempt to wear a woolly hat.... sigh.

  2. Just don’t leave it upside down! x

    1. That will no doubt happen at some point!

    2. Do the bottom as well then!

  3. That should be much easier to find.I have been known to be searching for my glasses...and Ive got 2 pair perched on my head.Its great when something can be done with what you have already got,instead of buying more...stuff!.I am making sure..well hoping to, not buy any more clothes for this year.Every item I have is vintage,second hand and from charity shops.So although I will still go in them..just to have a look,cause I just love browsing,lol..I am going to make sure that it must be something really special to part with my hard saved cash.Last year I think I bought about 8 to 10 items,which was good for me cause a few years back I would do that amount in one single visit!.Less stuff means a less cluttered mind and more money for any emergency or any small breaks we want to go on,xx

  4. Wow! that's 60's psychedelic! You could make your fortune selling one-offs like that on Etsy.

  5. What a brilliant solution - and all without spending anything extra (sitting here wondering if the same thing would work on my beige case!!)

    1. If you're not too worried about the outcome then why not give it a whirl....colouring, but with an end result for your labours. I just did it in stages over a few days!

  6. MUCH better than buying a new one! It looks super!



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