Saturday, 2 December 2023

Slightly late

 I've enjoyed one of those glorious Winter bugs the past couple of days so have been in bed with a bucket, but moving swiftly on this particular one seems to rush in and out on the tide so am already feeling a lot better. Now we have hit December may I unapologetically share this new topper from my early morning trawl round Tesco this morning. This one is promoting the community foodbank. I know the existence of such things in a country such as ours riles some folk up, but I don't think they're going to disappear anytime soon and people should not have to go without sustenance whatever the rights or wrongs of the situation. 

Have a great weekend🎄



  1. Love the toppers and aren't community food banks just a formalization of something that 'communities' in the real sense would have had in much older times? Shared grain houses, combined hunting skills shared food? Working together to gather, cook, eating together? Industrialization of our food means we have to address community sharing in different ways.

    1. I hadn't thought about it like that, but I completely agree. I've noticed the community round here just stepping in and sorting things out for themselves as those in charge seem to failing miserably. Arilx

  2. Simply and wonderfully put: no one should have to go hungry, no matter what.

    1. Not in a supposedly first world country especially. Arilx

  3. Well said! My sister-in-law volunteers to serve at a food bank -- and she now buys packages of adult diapers for an elderly care-giver who broke into tears when she found that first donated bag half full. Who could have objections to this lessening the burden of a wife caring for a disabled husband?! * Another volunteer slips extra cans of tuna fish into the allotment of another senior whose sole friend is a street cat...

  4. There are some incredibly kind people around. I put something in every week which I hope helps a bit. Arilx



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