Thursday 30 May 2024


 Having danced four weekends on the trot, I was happy to ram my walking head back on last Saturday and have a potter around the small Sussex village of Woolbeding. It was gloriously sunny and these fabulously named Thick Legged beetles were busy amongst the Oxeye daisies. Their iridescence was very beautiful.

I hope everyone has a good weekend. We're off adventuring for a few days, so I'll look forwards to catching up with blogland upon my return.



  1. I was waiting to read days of dancing to the Beatles.

  2. Thats a great photo!
    have a fabulous - and restful - weekend. Guess where we're off to on Wednesday? xxx


Wittering and Whittling

 With the summer having been more than a little tardy with putting in an appearance this year, I actually took layers and wore my knitwear w...