Monday, 3 February 2025

Imbolc Adventures

 In past years I've found Imbolc the hardest of the eight annual festivals to mark in a way that is personally meaningful to me. I'll hold my hand up and freely admit that I am hopeless at doing any sort of ritual or meditation. As far as I can see my own druidry has always presented itself in very practical terms and in a way which I can relate to. This year I had no such problem. Last week I stumbled across the details of a walk route which sounded perfect. With the weather so glorious we headed out into the South Downs yesterday and it was absolutely magical. The intention was to write all about it in this post, but then I started to edit the photos of a stained glass window I came across.......

 As I've done so all these stunning details have jumped out at me which I simply couldn't see at a distance. You never know what's lurking and somehow these Medieval style depictions of the elements accompanied by the sun, the earth and the moon seemed perfect. This is the work of W Geddes [1930] and is to be found in the church of St John the Baptist in North Chapel, West Sussex. I am so taken with them that I really feel that they deserve a post all of their own.

I'll write the post that I meant to next time!



  1. he colours of the stained glass is utterly wonderful, it knocks the modern stuff into a cocked hat (as my Grandma always used to say!)
    I'm glad you enjoyed your walk. xxx

  2. These are absolutely stunning, no wonder you got "side-tracked"! xxx



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