Saturday 3 January 2015

The January Man.

I heard this track for the first time last year sung live by Damh the Bard at the Anderida Druid Conference. It's taken from his Antlered Crown and Standing Stone CD and the lyrics are below in the comments. I find it very moving.



  1. Thanks Aril, I've never heard of Damh the Bard before. I've had a listen and love what I've heard - definitely my sort of music - so will be spending some time over on Youtube listening to some more of his performances.

  2. Lovely! Reminds me that I like a folky tune way more than an Indie girl should! x

  3. Thank you for your comments. Damh the Bard is well known within the pagan world but I forget that he possibly doesn't get that much exposure beyond it. I've now got this CD.


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