Monday 7 January 2019

Tiddly pom-pom

This rather cheery bottle of pom-pom blooms came from my sister-in-law for our Christmas present. She was poorly in the summer and had to take several months off work whilst she recuperated. She loves making things and spent six months doing precisely that. I think she must have cornered the market in recycled Fever Tree bottles in that time as she made several variations. I think it goes rather well with my much loved vase and greatly improves the view of the kitchen window sill I get when it's my turn to do the washing up!



  1. Both the bottle and your jolly lady are such happy things!

  2. They're so cute :) and I love your lady vase

  3. They are beautiful! Am Soooooooooooooooo stealing this idea!


Getting up to mischief

Isn't it a tad frustrating when you see something you think you'd really enjoy and you can't manage it for a multitude of reason...