Thursday, 26 September 2019

A Blast from the Past

Yesterday when I got in from work Mr GBT greeted me with the words "Guess who rang on the doorbell today?" I had no idea, but was delighted to find it was my German friend K who I haven't seen for 12 years and had lost touch with since she went back to Germany [she popped back later on in the afternoon for a cuppa].

We met when we were pregnant [our sons are a matter of days apart in age] and we supported each other through the stresses and strains of having young children when she lived round the corner from me.  I looked after her son for three days when she was in hospital waiting endlessly for her daughter to be born [it was an emergency cesarean in the end]. She is now 19!

K is over here on a flying visit for a course, but apparently it was still possible to catch up on a lot of news in the precious two hours we spent together. Frankly it felt like she had walked out of the room a mere five minutes before. This time we have nailed down our contact details and we have an open invitation to visit her in Germany. It was actually my 26th wedding anniversary too and this unexpected surprise was the icing on the cake.

Normally I don't agree to selfies, but this was a special occasion.



  1. What a lovely surprise!!.I have a couple of friends like that,who I dont see for years and then we meet up as though its only been a few months.Great photo Aril,xx

  2. Lovely catch up but which one are you?

  3. Happy anniversary! You're a stunner!

  4. What a brilliant surprise! Lovely picture too.

  5. Some friends have that magical link - the ones that pick up the conversation as if they'd never been away :)

  6. What a wonderful anniversary surprise! xxx



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