Friday, 13 September 2019

A Dog's Best Friend?

On train journeys I have discovered you can people watch by looking at their reflections in the windows without getting caught out staring. I was intrigued to see the lady across the aisle pull one of these out of her bag to show her travelling companion.

What on earth was she going to do with this fairly sizeable Boris doll I wondered....back home I have discovered that it is dog toy! To keep it politically correct I should inform you that there is an opposite number for Mr Corbyn should you feel the urge to purchase one...after some of the behaviours I saw last week by the elected members of the Commons I think the very least they deserve is a spot of lampooning!

Have a lovely politics free weekend!



  1. I saw these being posted on FB so went off to look and there is also Trump and May so a fairly broad church politically speaking!
    Have a good weekend :)

  2. My thought at first was it is Donald Trump. Man, they are two in a crowd.

    1. My friend E has a Donald Trump one for her sprocker Toby!

  3. Do these things come in American flavors? And has anyone experimented with poking pins in them?

    1. The current American president is available in dog toy form.....!



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