Saturday, 30 March 2024

Ticked off

 [Image from Pixabay]

The 200 good folks of Ebernoe in Sussex didn't take kindly to being told every year that they had to change their clocks because of British Summer Time. Actually they pretty much ignored it. The sexton had to change the church clock because that was the law, but he and his nine siblings were adamant that their clocks at home would stay unchanged. The only compromise this chap was willing to make was to bring the milking time of his cows forward by half an hour to meet his customers' orders. This little gem is from the Sussex County Magazine in 1938. I suspect that times have literally changed now!


Friday, 29 March 2024

Good Friday

 Hope everyone has a good Easter break. I saw this massive pug shaped egg on one of my recent forays and the utter ridiculousness of it just made me chuckle. I love pugs and for many years our old neighbours had a pair....they had a lovely temperament, but were incredibly stubborn🤣


Wednesday, 27 March 2024

Marching on

 Well March is being a bit of a madam isn't she. One minute she's teasing us with blue skies and a sun with some warmth in it and the next she flouncing out with rain and stormy skies. It certainly feels like we're getting a range of seasons in a single day sometimes.

That certainly was the case last Saturday which was the day Mythago was due to be hosting its first ever public wassail at a local cider farm. Having never organised such a thing in my life [I did have some help] it's been a sharp learning curve. Just as you think you've got it all sorted something else comes along to bite you on the bum and this time it was the ongoing rainfall which had left the ground in the orchard too sodden to be safe. Quick plan B had to be devised which I am delighted to say rolled out smoothly on the day and it seemed to go well. I'd invited a couple of other Morris sides we're good friends with to spread the load a little [three hours is quite a long time to fill when the mainstay of it has had to be cancelled], but we've had great feedback from everyone including the farm who did really well on the cider and burger selling front [they do their own wagyu beef].

It's probably always risky putting on an outdoors event in this country even if it's technically Spring. So did the weather play ball? Before we left the forecast was showing lightning, but we had beautiful sun when we got there followed by an ongoing cycle of heavy showers, hail and back to sunshine. However, it wasn't quite as madcap as you might at first imagine because thankfully the farm has cover for us and the audience to swap to. It was pretty nippy too, but incredibly far more people came than we had anticipated and moreover stayed. I think the barrels full of burning wood might have helped! There were many photos, but alas none by the secretary I spent most of the time dashing around chatting to people. We did manage to buy these before we left though 😁

I am rather tickled that it gets its name from the fact that the cows get rather silly when they're given the apple pomace to eat after it's been pressed🐮🍎🍏 😋 We're already planning a return visit, but with TYM and no bells/sticks!



Monday, 25 March 2024

Oh Gawd!

 It seems that the Spring weather of Wednesday was but a brief flirtation and we are back to the nippy range of temperatures again. Maybe not such a shame as I've been able to wear my latest charity shop acquisition today. A complete impulse buy, but I've never seen one on the rails before and I know how much the second hand ones are on auction sites. I've got a couple already by this company which I bought new when we both earning a decent wage...more than twenty years later they're still going strong. I broke the news gently to Mr GBT by showing him the front first.....

Before revealing the pixie hood on the reverse....'oh gawd' was his only comment😂

I look forward to accompanying him wearing the latest addition to my natty knitwear collection. He's used to me by now!


Thursday, 21 March 2024


 Just popping in to wish all you lovely people a great weekend. I didn't have a photo for today, but spotted this on my way home. The lady who knits the toppers for the little children to see on their walk past to the nearby school has been busy with her needles again🐻


Wednesday, 20 March 2024

On the wing

 Last night we went to a fascinating talk given by a local expert all about the butterflies you can find in Sussex. One of the earlier ones you're likely to see is the Brimstone. Lo and behold look what I saw today at Nymans🦋💛 My usual Wednesday afternoon client is away so I thought it best to take full advantage of the first day which has felt truly Spring like. There was a beautiful warmth in the sunshine today and many trees festooned in marshmallow pink and white blossom. One hour out felt like an entire day. Time well spent.

Alban Eiler/ Spring Equinox greetings to all.


Monday, 18 March 2024

All work and no plays makes for a very dull day.....

Grey Monday and I'm up for a spot of fun...after I'd finished work I carried on driving to the nearby village of Billingshurst. Former corn fields have now been built upon, but many of the trees and hedgerows have been retained as part of the new estate. At the centre of it all is a big green public space with ponds and public works of art by Helena Roden. The triangular one represents one of the types of stooks which would have been seen in the area and all of them are covered in wild plants which are to be found here. There were masses of birds to be seen and a funny little sign which I passed on my way in from the car🐾 


Thursday, 14 March 2024

Appreciating doors

 A recent foray over to Lewes with a friend produced a rather good if modest selection of doors and door related furniture. We were pressed for time, but not a bad haul all things considered.

Have a fabulous weekend folks.


Wednesday, 13 March 2024

Mother's Day

Many were celebrating Mother's Day in the UK last Sunday. I wasn't planning to write anything about it [hence the delay], but then I read this on Monday and I changed my mind.

Along with several other books a paperback by Peter James was given to our local Oxfam recently. It was bought last week and the new owner put out an appeal on our local FB to track down the donor. Inside the front cover was a very personal message from a lady to her family [quite rightly not shared]. Social media worked its magic and one of her daughters came forward. She and her sister lost their Mum three years ago and have been sorting out her stuff. They had no idea that the message was there when they dropped the books off and think that their Mum wrote it a couple of hours before she died. They have been reunited with the book and said it was like having a Mother's day message from her💗


Sunday, 10 March 2024


 Yodelling and prog rock....not a combination I ever expected to see in a single phrase, but there I was at a very local gig watching a friend play in the support act. The main band, Epsilon, is another group from the town who do prog rock covers. I didn't think I knew any prog rock songs [I've lived a sheltered life😆], but I actually recognised several tracks much to my surprise. However, I have certainly never encountered this one. Hocus Pocus by Focus. Kind of utterly bonkers, but weirdly compelling and enjoyable. Thought I'd share the will wake you up sufficiently to reach for the mute button if nothing else!

If this has inspired you to rush off and learn to yodel for yourself I've even unearthed a free course for you all I think that I lack the motivation to attempt it😆


Thursday, 7 March 2024

A Piece of Theatre

With Mother's Day fast approaching I like to do my normal thing and go rogue. It will come as no surprise that it's all very low key as I ignore all the commercialism, but am never adverse to having a legitimate excuse for a little treat. We decided to celebrate early and enjoy the theatrical delights of Painshill Park whilst it was quiet and peaceful. Being known as a bit of a weather witch it hurled it down with rain on the journey there and back yet for two glorious hours we had beautiful sunshine and with a gorgeous surprise awaiting us when we got back to the carpark as you'll see in the final photo.

The parkland was was the work of Charles Hamilton between 1738-73 and within it he has created a mystical landscape of water features and follies. Some are tucked away out of sight and it adds to the experience coming across them as you follow the twisted pathways around the estate. It must have been enchanting for those who visited when he first designed it. By 1945 the garden had become derelict, but its restoration has revived its original spirit and it's a joy. I'll just concentrate on photos to give you an idea of what it's like.

The Ruined Abbey

The Gothic Temple

The Gothic Tower plus pylon. You get some terrific views from the top of.....wait for it....the M25!!

The Hermitage. The 'hermit' was paid to live within its spartan confines, but got caught in the pub and was sacked after three weeks.

Temple of Bacchus

The Turkish Tent [made of metal]

And what drew me here in the first place...the restored crystal grotto.

One we did with our BBC gardens voucher which got one of us in for free and there's a further reduction if you prebook online. Have a fabulous weekend folks!


Tuesday, 5 March 2024


Been gloriously busy these past few days enjoying myself. Now feeling it energy wise, so just a quick drop in with this one which made me and my friend E rather guffaw😸

Someone's been found out!


Off duty

All the small, but significant steps Mr GBT has made over this past week meant that today he told me he would be happy for me to walk into t...