Thursday 30 March 2017

Hug a slug?

[image from Pixabay]
Now I'm all for cheering on the underdog, but slugs? Really? Frankly I struggle with the little varmits, so I have no idea what possessed me to buy two miniature ones at the dollshouse show where I was working at the weekend but buy 'em I did. Even the lady on the stand looked at me quizzically and asked me "Are you sure?" As ever though I'm always attracted by the non standard in any field. Twenty years of buying miniatures has seen me already make the sensible purchases, so this was no more bonkers than the shrunken head I got last time.

I have to admit that I do think the antennae on a slug is quite attractive, but beyond that ewww. Am I being unduly unfair though to this particular gastropod I wonder? Even I can see that there's more than one species partying [or mainly having one huge slimy orgy by the looks of things] in my compost bin. One, dare I say, has almost attractive markings and looks likely to be the Green Cellar one. Apparently we have 30 types in the UK. Thankfully not all of them living in our gardens either, despite what it might feel like at times.

Are they any good at doing anything apart from munching through our precious plants willy-nilly? They're not totally useless it would seem. According to one site they're important as part of the team of critters which break down your compost [I'm not sure about this as it actually seems to increase their numbers even more] and the theory goes that they are less likely to take an amble round your borders if they've got the opportunity to stuff themselves to the gunwales in the comfort and warmth of your bin. They are also a food source for hedgehogs, toads and birds.....the reason you see thrushes wiping their beaks though is because the mucus tastes so vile. Unlike snails they are not fit for human consumption though

Ah yes and then there's their usefulness in medicine. If you currently have a whitlow you could always place a large black slug on a piece of clean rag and pierce it all over with a needle. Wrap your finger in this rag. What you don't fancy this particular cure? Can't understand why not!!

So with this extra knowledge am I any fonder of the slug. Well no, not really, I'm afraid they remain down there along with the komodo dragon and blind mole rat on my list of least favourite beasts!


Monday 27 March 2017

Barb Wired

Weary old bird signing in. Shall need lots of this to keep me going today.

Let's hope this particular brand of coffee also has the kick of a mule...I shall need it! We've had a successful trading weekend. Today it's back to housesparkling followed by a meeting about drawing up new wills. It's all go here😏 Thankfully the chaps have organised a belated Mother's Day meal for me later!


P.S. Can never resist an excuse to use a bit of Cockney rhyming slang!

Friday 24 March 2017

If Anyone Needs Me....

I shall be in here [I do so like the wording above the door]

Well put it this way I would like to be....however, the adult world of earning money beckons. Back in the saddle soon.


Thursday 23 March 2017

"Gawd, now she's got me at it!"

Those were the exact words uttered by my friend S to her husband when we were down in Brighton on Tuesday....she is one of those people who makes you laugh all the time. She shoots from the hip and I like her enormously. She was actually referring to spotting all the weird and wonderful Brighton has to offer which apparently normally passes her by unnoticed. The more the merrier I say.

This was one of hers...I've marvelled at this particular pair of legs before, but never did I notice the red shoe kicked up on to the roof above!

The weather was glorious...first day of Spring, so finding a sheltered spot down on the front we were able to enjoy an ice cream...somehow the first one of the season always tastes just that little bit better.

So taking into account my powers of observation....."I'd like to climb the i360 if I ever get the chance" commented S. Looking over my shoulder airily I mused which direction this new tower was in. Understand that at a mere 162m high it's obviously not easy to see...."It's right in front of you donut!" guffawed my straight talking friend. I think those around me should be very scared that I'm allowed out in public on my own sometimes!!

Perhaps I really should stick to flying umbrellas and smiling cats. Best leave the real world to the sensible ones amongst us!


Tuesday 21 March 2017

Alban Eiler 2017

Spring Equinox blessings to one and all.  

It's beautifully sunny here in Sussex. I know I promised to be conspicuous by my absence, but I have only just "popped" in. Decorating is going well....Mr GBT has only had to touch up a very small patch I missed on the dado rail from yesterday and it was very gloomy. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. Had we painted it sky blue pink with purple polka dots rather than white it would never have happened!

Have just learnt that the sacred British hare is called Gearr [where have I myself a Druid?!!]. This rather lovely triple hare plaque was the perfect pressie from my SIL at Christmas. I'd only just decided where to put it and now, after a couple of weeks, it's had to come down again due to the painting. It will be back in its former place by the end of the week.

Now I really am returning to lurkdom....promises, promises.


Sunday 19 March 2017

Dulwich Delight

There's a lot of art work in Dulwich I gather. Arty L and I only had a short while there, so we concentrated on the pictures within the gallery. It's always good to go with a friend who knows what she's talking about, as she added an extra layer to the experience for me. I'm quick to dismiss anything I don't like, but old Arty L is good on her details and she was able to point things out which I might have missed. One example which springs to mind was one by Van Dyck. It pretty much looked like any other stylised painting from the Tudor/Stuart period.....I couldn't really get a handle on what the Duke of Savoy's son would have looked like in the flesh, significant items painted in whose meaning is lost on me [there are notes next to it explaining these I should add]....pleasant enough, but not remarkable. A second look though revealed the stunningly detailed armour he's wearing. Sadly the sitter, Emmanuel Philibert, died of the plague a few weeks later, but the armour still survives.

It was definitely a day of small discoveries. I really find faces who don't look back at you decidedly shifty....I'm sure I dismissed a few more paintings on that basis alone. This one had to be my favourite though.

The grand dame looks like she'd be right at home in the pages of a Jane Austen novel. In real life she was Mrs Thomas Linley....she outlived her husband by 25 years and all bar two of her twelve children. You get a sense of a real human face staring at you. By this time [1820] she was in her late 80s and the artist [James Lonsdale] has used a bit of artistic licence to lose a few years and the brown curls definitely weren't the real deal. Well I would wouldn't you if you wanted somebody to buy your art...flattery is king. Nowadays we call it Photoshop😈 From the description she was a very strong character [think you'd need to be with what life had thrown at her], fiercely devoted to her loved ones and a huge embarrassment to her upwardly mobile offspring for her vulgar, penny pinching ways. Sounds quite a gal doesn't she!

Alluding to the art elsewhere in the area I understand that there's a lot of high quality street art to be viewed following Dulwich's participation in a project a couple of years ago. As we were working to a deadline there was no time to explore [a return visit is on the cards methinks], but we did find this behind the station. It's by local artist Burnz and the two murals are called "Wild Wall" and "Hero's Wall". They are to be found on the back/side of the small second hand book shop next to West Dulwich Station. This is part of a local community project called New Leaf which helps young offenders gain valuable skills working in the garden which abuts the building.

Speaking of all things painting, I too shall be wielding a brush over the next few days....sadly it's of the decorating variety. If you see me on here shout at me because it means I'm skiving and not pulling my weight. Besides any post content would be about as thrilling as this youtube clip...yes ten hours of literally watching paint dry!

See you on the other side......


Friday 17 March 2017

No designs.

The time has come to muck out the Glory Hole....armed with a shovel [I am wildly exaggerating, but what's a story without a bit of hyperbole eh!] the teenogre has emerged unscathed with a goodly mound of detritus....

Unbeknown to him, I have extracted this from the recycling bag and added it to the file of Special Things To Keep [I have only kept a few choice ones over the years]. It was his design for a tattoo...his world of elephants was his sanctuary when real life was often confusing and frightening as a young child with Aspergers.....there's been a sea change and this is not now going's all gone very quiet on the tattoo front too. You never know with my day he might casually appear with an inking. He's full of surprises!


Thursday 16 March 2017

Beach Plastic

[image from Pixabay]

Plastic littering our beaches is a huge problem and the issue has been highlighted by the press this week. I noticed when batching up the latest lot of recycling for Sussex Green Living, Terracycle are looking to partner up with Beach Clean-Up Organisations. I'm way inland, so it's not something which is practical for me to be involved with on a regular basis, but I'm including the link for anyone who is interested in investigating the project further


Wednesday 15 March 2017

Wildlife Walk Sans The Wildlife!

I decided at the start of this year to attend as many of the monthly Sussex Wildlife Walks as possible in 2017. Not only are they free, you don't need to prebook and it's giving me a chance to explore all manner of nooks and crannies in my beloved Sussex. Due to dancing/holiday/working commitments this will be the last one until August now, but heck I've already beaten last year's dismal record of two😆

Starting from the local village pub in Ashurst the first stopping point was the church of St James.

It's attractive enough, but not remarkable.....then I do set the bar high with expectations of mad carved beasts etc etc. However, it did deliver a couple of goodies which made me take note.

This rather strange object is called a vamping horn. Invented by the scientist Samuel Morland [1625-95] it was the forerunner of the megaphone. It's not clear whether it was intended to be used as a musical instrument of sorts or for calling all those slack villagers to the service who fancied a lie in on a Sunday morning! Whatever its purpose only a handful survive now and this is both the youngest and the only cone shaped one [the others have ends like trumpets]

I do so like the way the moss has picked out the pattern on the carved labyrinth on this gravestone. Nearby were a couple more with Celtic details or so my eyes told me....

It wasn't until we got home and cleaned the photo up that I found my eyes had deceived me...definitely not a Celtic design after all. Instead a closer look reveals it to be a ball of wool and knitting needles. Warming personal touch and certainly a first.

The route was a pretty one over stiles crossing fields and possibly the muckiest, smelliest farmyard I have encountered in many a year. Quietly I noted the primroses and lesser celandine beginning to appear in the verges and the buds waiting to burst forth on the trees. It feels like everything is just holding its breath for a few days more. Perhaps a few of those lovely warmer days will bring it all on before the end of the month.

So we had Sussex and we had the walk bit covered, but the wildlife bit was conspicuous by its absence. I could hear the birds competing for attention in the trees, but apart from a buzzard and a couple of mallards everybody else was keeping a low profile. I think this may well have been down to the cloud cover, so folks I'm afraid this owl weather vane is about as close as I got. Even then I didn't have a clue what was on it until I got home as the old vision is now not good enough without my spectacles to see anything clearly [one of the joys of becoming an older dotty dame]. I just pressed and pointed and hoped for the best. Thankfully Lady Luck was on my side this time!

Always enjoy the opportunity to get out of the town on these ambles.


Tuesday 14 March 2017

Following in the footsteps of the famous.

This is the Fountain, Ashurst, West Sussex and the starting point for our walk on Saturday [more details of that later in the week]. I'd never been there, but like many millions of others I've seen it...chances are you have been a virtual visitor like me too.

Back in 1979 it was white washed and was the location for the video for "Wonderful Christmas Time" by Wings and must have featured on every festive episode of TOTP2 since then.

However, the band aren't the only famous names to grace its presence. Sir Laurence Olivier had his own designated snug....presumably the picture was so that he could recognise himself and where he liked to be seated in case he had over indulged in a tipple or three😏

Anyway if we're talking all things "Larry" this gives me the perfect excuse to put up the clip of Peter Sellers performing "Hard Day's Night" in the style of Olivier's interpretation of Richard III. Thus I started the post with a connection to the Beatles with Paul McCartney and I finish it with some of their lyrics.


Monday 13 March 2017

Little and Large

Sometimes I read an article and the content tickles me. Last week I learnt that there is an annual Clydesdale Horse Race held in Devon to raise money for the Air Ambulance. I don't know why it had never occurred to me that these magnificent horses are perfectly capable of's only humans who harness them and use them to pull things! They're rather splendid I think.

That then got me wondering whether those at the other end of the scale also race. From this Youtube clip it would seem very much so! I find this clip equally joyful.

So when I saw this little equine gathering yesterday it seemed timely to include it here! It simply makes me smile seeing the pony appearing from behind the legs of the bigger one!


Sunday 12 March 2017

Post Time Team Post It Note!

Having mentioned that there are lots of the old Time Team series archived on 4OD it's not a complete back catalogue. This week Mr GBT has discovered there are more on UK TV Play [you need to set up an account]. There's some overlap, but it has some of the missing ones! Perfect for one of those wet Sunday afternoons with a cuppa when you've got a list of chores lined up and you fancy playing hooky😆


Two Favourite Fellows

Mr William Morris- textile/carpet and wallpaper designer, poet, novelist, translator of Icelandic sagas, painter and social activist.

Mr Kaffe Fassett- needlepointer, artist, ceramicist, knitter and quilter

Both hugely talented fellows in their respective fields [not jealous in the slightest spit, spit!] I love the breadth of work of both of them in equal measure.

Standen, a local National Trust property, is a magnificent example of the very best of the Arts and Crafts movement. The whole interior is streamlined and flows beautifully from the furniture to the decor. It was designed by Morris's architect friend, Philip Webb and decorated with the Morris wallpapers, carpets and fabrics throughout. The colour scheme throughout is light, enhanced by white panelling and beautiful detailing.

Without a doubt this one's in my top five and I've been back a fair few times. The most recent visit though has to rate the best so far as they're currently running an exhibition of Kaffe Fassett's work [until 23rd April]...two for the price of none as it's free for NT members. Excellent!


Saturday 11 March 2017

Light My Fire.

Last September I acquired my very own fire pit. It had always been on the wanty, wanty list, but the ones I love start at a grand, so a pipedream it stayed. From this blog post I eventually found a way to acquire my very own one legitimately via a cash free route. She's quite a big beast, so lives out in the garden, but is kept under cover.

Every once in a while I've pondered when best to have a fire. Eventually I set a date with my closest friends and left it that it would be cancelled if the weather didn't play ball. Despite what the forecast promised me it was drizzly in that slightly annoying way which doesn't make you really soaked, but just rather damp. We decided to decamp indoors for food, but see if we could get a small fire going anyway for I had a small surprise in store.

Amazingly [actually I shouldn't be amazed this type of thing often happens when I pay attention] the weather cleared and dried up when they got here and for 20 minutes it stayed that way....we were able to quietly read some blessings around it [we're very discreet!] and enjoy the novelty of green and blue flames...

Mr GBT may not be romantic in the conventional sense of the word, but I arrived home one day to find three small packets sitting on the side. Knowing my love of colour and novelty, secretly he bought some Magical Flames for me. As you can see they worked fabulously- the photos really don't do them justice.

After 20 mins the colours finished, the rain returned and the spell was broken. A magical evening.


Thursday 9 March 2017

Blue Blood

Originating in Spain, the term "blue blood" is understood in the context of those members of the European Royal Families with pale skin and blue veins. My take on this whole business though is rather different for I have hatched my own theory.....

Allow me to explain. Working on the basis that a Smurf's skin pigment is blue then maybe their blood is of the same does this mean that members of the ruling classes are actually Smurfs, but just going incognito and disguising themselves as Regal people....hmmm I shall mull this over further!

Joking aside this is the teenogre's half marathon outfit of choice [he's fundraising for his volunteering in Bangladesh]. Initially he was going to dress as a gorilla, but a few moments wearing my Mythago mask and then the dawning realisation that he couldn't breathe very well soon put paid to that idea! Normally he's got all the latest clobber on and I love the way he's still posing, trying to look cool....just not possible son in those white dungarees I'm afraid! It's got to last for 3 races so I suspect it will not look all that pristine at the end of 39 miles. He's not wearing blue face paint for the same reason either...eww. His first outing is 2nd April in Croydon.


Wednesday 8 March 2017

Post Time Team

On the back of watching Time Team for twenty years I have developed an ongoing interest in archaeology. Let's be frank I am most definitely of the armchair variety. The reality of a dig and being on your hands and knees in the mud and rain for long periods of time doesn't appeal to me! Despite the fact that there was a lot of harsh criticism directed at the programme from many from within the discipline [justified I'm sure, but to what degree unsure], I still enjoy being able to rewatch all the episodes which are cached on the 4OD website. Over time I have read more in depth articles, completed a short online course and visited the Wind Wick dig on Orkney [this is last year's record of it]

Last month I attended a day course on "The Archaeology of Death and Remembrance" organised by our local group. On paper it could have been really depressing, but the speaker was amazing in the way he dealt with a difficult subject with a lightness of touch. Throughout he showed great sensitivity interjected with appropriate dry humour. He made it clear from the outset that he wouldn't be showing any images of children's skeletons and I found it very moving when he commented that often the archaeologists give an adult skeleton a name when they are removing it from the ground. Not only does this give the person back their humanity so their remains are dealt with respectfully, but it also gives the archaeologists a coping mechanism to deal with what is an emotional and sometimes traumatic experience.

Did you know [I didn't]?

Only 80% of all skeletons can be correctly sexed. This is down to the bones not showing some of the normal indicators eg the evidence missing when the person was alive, deformity or the skeleton presenting characteristics from the opposite gender. Our male speaker has discovered he has a female shaped pelvis. Before this can even happen there need to be sufficient bones present and in a good enough condition to examine them...there's a whole of host of factors which often make this impossible.

It is very difficult to estimate the age of a skeleton once they get beyond a certain age and the bones have fused. Teeth is one way, but diet, general health and lifestyle can affect them adversely. Sometimes when records have existed to check against the estimated age has been way out and they have actually been much older. As now, people age at different rates.

Causes of death, unless an obviously fatal trauma injury, are extremely difficult to pinpoint. Some diseases such as leprosy leave tell tell signs on the bones, but this is generally not the case.

Lead coffins are the stuff of nightmares. Usually medieval, the archaeologists risk both poisoning and mental health issues from exposure to the lead. Any sealed coffins which are bulging are left well alone....the body as it decomposes reacts with the lead leaving behind a toxic, explosive mix. Full of pathogens from the original disease I can see why they call in specialist contractors to deal with them!
More of the health and safety issues are covered in this article

We were left at the end of the day with the interesting moral dilemma as to what happens to the remains of those who are excavated. By and large the thought process now is that it's best to leave people in situ wherever possible rather than digging them up. With projects such as the Cross Rail this wasn't possible. Even legally the position is not clear. The Burials Act states that any Christian burial [this excludes cremations] must be reinterred in consecrated ground but beyond that there are no definitive answers. The law was passed in 1857 and perhaps now we need to revisit it. It's a difficult one.


Tuesday 7 March 2017

Warmth On Your Back

Tut, tut...another day off and another day out. I don't know I don't go to London for months at a time and then I go up twice in a matter of days! This time I've been over to the Dulwich Picture Gallery with Arty L. We sat out in the grounds with a coffee when we arrived and both commented how lovely it was to feel the warmth in the sun. It really did feel like the first Spring like day of the year.

This sculpture is "Walking the Dog" by Peter Randall-Page and the three boulders apparently refer to the three founders of the place. The carving is replicating the running dog frieze which decorates the top of the complex. I did notice the detailing on the way in, but  I have to say though we were much more concerned with admiring the daffs in the background at the time. What a pair of commoners!

Tomorrow it will be back to nose to the grindstone as per usual! Bah humbug!


Monday 6 March 2017

Best Foot Forwards

I see things which inspire me all over the place. This was on the moving train [hence the blurriness] when I travelled up to London on Saturday.

It's obviously an advert, but the sentiment is true...still won't be buying the product though!


Sunday 5 March 2017


If you asked me if I had a creative bone in my body I would definitely say "No". My stock answer is to say that my role in the creative process is to admire the endeavours of others. This I do as often as I possibly can and it brings me the greatest pleasure.

There were many aspects to our trip to the Bethlem Museum of the Mind which moved and inspired me by turns. I could write at length, but at the expense of covering the same ground as Lovely Grey I shall instead share a few images from their current exhibition.

Called "The Fabric of Being", this display consists of some examples of the work created by the staff, patients and artists in the Occupational Department of the Bethlem Royal Hospital [I had not appreciated that the hospital still continues to treat patients with mental health and substance abuse issues]. It explores the therapeutic value of art when people come together in a safe, social space and are able to express their individuality through their own personal creativity. The colour and energy of the pieces fired and inspired me.

Whilst mulling over what I'd seen yesterday, I've reached the conclusion that I have been muddling the terms creative and artistic for a long time. Sometimes I have a crack at making things....often I enjoy the process and am quite pleased with the results, but am rather apologetic at their amateurishness when seen against the work of those I perceive to be artistic. Should it matter though? Now I am beginning to think not. I am quite happy to accept that I am never going to be particularly artistic, but creativity is a different beast I have decided and the form it takes is down to how you personally manifest it. So for one it might be painting a picture, for another it could be inventing an original recipe or as here using textiles in new and innovative ways. For me I think it's probably expressing myself through my different styles of writing. Daft as it sounds I had never viewed it in this light before.....whilst I shan't be penning any best sellers in the near future this unexpected revelation has been a rather positive one😊 Perhaps I do have a creative bone in my body after all!


Saturday 4 March 2017

A Lovely Grey Day

You'll just have to take my word for it that this appalling quality shot is moi and my now real life chum and fellow blogger Lovely Grey were looking down into a mirror at the bottom of a dark wooden cupboard so it was to be expected really!

We've been to the Bethlem Museum of the Mind today. A truly fascinating place which deals with the still rather taboo subject of mental health with great sensitivity. Both of us have experience of this on a professional and personal basis which added an extra dimension to the visit for me.

Alongside that we've sat on our rumps a fair amount, gossiping, cackling and making good use of a local hostelry. This time I'd done my research beforehand and tracked down the nearest decent pub. We've got this meeting up business down to a fine art these days and the next date is already in the diary!

The chairs are part of a textile exhibition showing what a positive impact expressing your creativity through art can have a person's recovery.

I have been beetling about these past few days, but seem to have got rather behind with my blogging this week. Hopefully I will catch up over the next few days.


Friday 3 March 2017

The Gruesome Twosome....a sticky combination.

[Image from Pixabay]

Leeches and maggots....eww doesn't that just make your skin crawl at the very thought of them. Their eating habits are not that socially acceptable to us are they [mind you I'm not all that sure that they would view us all that favourably either had they the cognitive powers!] I live near a wood called Leechpool....there's no great hidden significance to its name. Literally a pool where once people harvested leeches for a living. Given the coverage in the media in recent years, it is well known that once again leeches are favoured by the medical establishment in some circumstances.

Maggots though? Frankly as far as I was concerned any circumstances in which I encounter these wriggly nasties is not good in my book. However, I now find these too are extremely valuable in specific medical cases. A friend's elderly Aunt was suffering from a chronic ulcer on her leg a matter of weeks ago. Down to a mixture of factors it wasn't healing, so the NHS nurse brought along specially bred maggots to keep the dead flesh at bay and keep the wound clean. Apparently this comes under the remit of biotherapy.

And the sticky bit? Well that's good old honey. From a conversation with a historian some years ago I learnt that we have not always stitched up wounds [he was talking specifically about the entry wound caused by an arrow]. Instead it was left open to heal from the bottom upwards, but kept clean [I may be a little hazy on the exact details here] using honey, for as we are aware now it has antibacterial qualities aswell as providing a barrier to infection. This different approach to healing is also reappearing [not with the use of honey as far as I'm aware] as this method was used for a friend with an open stitches, just covered and kept clean during her post-op recovery in hospital.

It would seem that in amongst all the jiggery pokery our ancestors made some important discoveries, even if they didn't have the science behind how they worked they knew they did. However, I'm still grateful that we're now able to just get our hair cut or a shave at the barber's rather than chancing a limb needing to be lopped off too. Many people take our NHS for is under huge pressure, but within its walls there are amazing people working with dedication and commitment. I am proud to be able to  include a couple of my own friends in that comment.


Wednesday 1 March 2017

The Great Escapologist

Now let's be brutally honest. This fellow hardly looks like the next Houdini does he now....his physique [or lack of it to be precise] for starters....I could go on. Apparently though, given the right set of circumstances, this is the case....

After much deliberation [and an inheritance] we have taken the plunge and had the manky old double glazing replaced this week [one window had you pushed it hard enough would have fallen out!]. Two chaps arrived on Monday to start fitting the new ones.

Having seen Psychocat [our old moggie] attempt to demonstrate her window sill walking skills on a couple of occasions...we're talking upstairs and on the outside [the old windows didn't have the smaller opening part at the top] and caught her just in the nick of time [heart in mouth moment] I didn't want a repeat performance. Not only was she a fey little thing and he's rather broad in the beam, I'm pretty sure it wouldn't have done either of them a whole heap of good landing on the patio beneath...I suspect it would have been curtains. So with that in mind, we shut Humphrey downstairs...his "incarceration" consisted of access to the garden, food, water and a choice of 6 dining chairs, one sofa and two armchairs to sleep on. Her with the day-glo tattoo "Muppet" on her forehead even put down her rainbow jumper for him to rest his weary head upon. 

Did he sleep? Of course he bluddy well didn't. He spent the entire time with his nose pressed up against the door yowling to be let out and protesting about the erosion of his rights to tell the chaps how it should be done. Had he had a placard I think he'd have been marching up and down waving it. He made one successful bid for freedom....he can move quite swiftly for a plump fellow, but he was unceremoniously returned to his prison. There's always one wag who thinks it clever to stick their foot in wet cement and leave their mark in perpetuity...funnily enough we were not that keen for him to do the same on our sealant. Naturally when the company returned yesterday to fit the downstairs ones he took no notice and slept the entire time as his wont.

Ah well...such is life. 

Having said all that we are very pleased with our new windows and back door!


Traffic Cones

[Image from Pixabay] For those of us who like a geeky fact or three an American street painter by the name of Charles Scanlan first came up ...