Friday, 14 March 2025

Beauty Routines

 With things being so up in the air at the moment I am drawing great comfort from the small daily routines which bring a measure of normality to my days and keeping my eyes open to the glimmers of joy. You might not anticipate finding beauty in a hospital, but there it was staring me in the face in one of the outdoor spaces. Mr GBT will be having his surgery early next week. The NHS staff have been amazing.

Have a good weekend.



  1. I didn't get a chance to comment yesterday, so I just wanted to pop by and say that I am sorry that you are both going through a difficult time. I hope the surgery goes well. Take care. x

  2. Sending you both lots of love. xxx

  3. Routine helps doesn't it? Thinking of you both. Regards Sue H

  4. Keeping my fingers crossed for Mr GBT's surgery.
    Having been there with my husband only recently, I'm not at all surprised you found beauty in a hospital like I that. Small things like that do matter! xxx

  5. Wishing Mr. GBT a successful surgery and for you to hang in there and remember to breathe. X

  6. Thinking of you both, Aril. Life can (and does) change on a dime.



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