Tuesday, 16 February 2016


I'm still twitting about with photos so this is a mash up sort of post in which I give my grasshopper brain full rein!

Firstly the teenogre....as you can see from the picture below he emerged unscathed. He now informs me that he'd like to do the 300' jump next time [this one was a mere 160']. Mad child....I suppose that's what you get when you make the conscious decision not to let your personal anxiety curb and limit your son's natural spirit of adventure when you're bringing him up!

Now turning to matters of Morris Mythago were once overheard to be described as "The Hell's Angels of Morris" by one bemused Aussie onlooker. However, this little film has come to my attention...I think we may be missing a trick with this one and by comparison we look like pussy cats!

Even as a bell wearer myself I think the novelty of hauling this lot around with me would soon wear off as well as give me a banging headache!



  1. My favourite side are the Britannia Coco-Nut Dancers. I think they'd give that lot a good dance-off.

  2. I've heard of them but never seen them dance. Think I would enjoy the spectacle they bring though!



  When we bought a new computer a few months ago it came with a very shiny sticker on it. You may quite rightly wonder why I've opened t...