Thursday, 28 June 2018

My fifteen minutes [or thereabouts] of "fame"

For those who care to take a gander this is the wild flower walk we made with The Bald Explorer earlier this month

Well now I'm famous I shall demand a dressing room full of purple roses and white kittens where ever I go😆



  1. Is that really you?.Brilliant!!.Is that your hubby as well?.Its lovely to see and hear the voice of people who we read about on here!.Amazing views as well.I love the way you move away from the camera when David is speaking....very polite!.I would have been stood at the back like a spare part,lol.I met a blogger,Penny from Frugal fashion in Brighton the other day...when,I say met..I recognised her in the street and went up and said Hello and told her that i read her blog.She was lovely and again it was lovely to hear her voice!xx

  2. Fame at last! Loved this and great to see you! xxx

    1. Thanks Vix. Richard did a good job of editing the video and removing all my mistakes!

  3. Very good Sarah...Julia....think he struggled with multi tasking and remembering names! x

  4. White kittens are a must lol
    Great information - I love the shirt buttons and I've trefoil in my lawn but didn't know what it was

    1. I only wish I could normally remember the names. I'd done my homework before we went!

  5. Very cool mate. I shall demand your autograph next time we meet up. xxx


Little Things

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