Monday, 26 August 2019

By order of the Peaky Blinders

It's been one of those weekends of odds and jobs. Painting, raspberry picking, runner bean processing, cat food pouch sorting [7500 sent off at the last count with proceeds to a local school] mixed in with a recycling meeting of the three of us who now coordinate the Sussex Green Living schemes [its popularity has gone through the roof]...we've called ourselves the Horsham Wombles and a BBQ thrown in for good measure. In between whiles I've snatched a snooze or seven.

What this leaves me with is naff all in terms of blog material, but heck when has that ever stopped me! This beautiful little moth was sitting on our car. It was only the size of my fingernail and I think it's what's known as a micro moth [that said I'm no expert]. Looking at photos online it might be a mint moth.

Ah yes and Peaky Blinders. This premiered on 12th September 2013 and I watched my first episode on Saturday 24th August. Loved it, but am going to have some serious watching to catch up just as they're about to start showing series 5. Always late to the party and no I haven't yet watched any GOT either!



  1. Ive just clicked on to the Sussex Green Living and can see that you are able to view their facebook page,without being on facebook.I watched the videos of bluebells and the woods and it was a great idea to show them to people that cant get out of the house to see it for them selves!.How nice!.Im going to spend a while reading this today,because I love these sort of post.Im very lucky,because Ive got a bluebell woods only about 3 miles from my house.Ive been making Eco bricks with my plastics.Over this last year Ive made about 12 so Im going to paint them when Ive got a few more,bury just the top half and make a new border for an area in my garden.Most of my Family are on board with green living now.Even my 85 year old Mam!.My sister is the one I cant get through to!!xx

    1. The lady who set the whole thing up is inspirational, but not a paragon which is a relief for the rest of us mere mortals!

  2. Just found your blog.. you sound as dotty as me! I abs love the idea of your wombling group. Looking forward to hearing how that goes. (I've not seen Peaky Blinders or GOT either!!)

    1. Thank you Gillian. I have many moments of madness with the odd moment of sanity thrown in!



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