Monday, 5 August 2019


I read a blog about a fascinating fellow in Canada who earns his living by removing items from the black bags of rubbish people put out for the binmen and then selling it. As you might imagine the range of objects he comes across is a constant surprise. Every once in a while he labels something a doohickey and puts out a plea for its correct identification.

It got me wondering about the words we use as a family when we either don't know or can't remember the correct name of. Mr GBT refers to thingys, thingummajigs and thingummys, whilst I'm definitely in the doofer camp. Other ones I've heard are whatits, gizmos and whatchamallits. When TYM was a kinderling my Dad used to answer his seemingly endless "what's that?"  with a neat "that's a whim-wham for a goose's bridle" which would satisfy him for a short while. Do you have any different ones you use?


PS This particular thingy is a Japanese acupuncture doll made from papier mache and can be seen at the Wellcome Collection in London.


  1. Whatchamcallit's are probably our families word for an indescribable item. I use doo dad if I vaguely think it has no purpose.

  2. We use thingy and whatsit...most days,lol.My Dad used a slight variation on your Dads saying.He used to say Its a wigwam for a ducks bridle.What that meant I havent a clue,lol,xx

  3. Here in Hawaii it is "da kine".

  4. Thank you all for your fabulous to have some new words to add to my modest collection!

  5. Hmmmm, a Whatjamacall it or a thingie are my most common vernacular in the 'what is it?' stakes but I am sure there are more...



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