Friday, 30 June 2023

Good Things Come To Those That Wait

 Three years ago during the summer of 2020 my friend Lisa had lifted one of her plants and divided it. She offered me a clump which we bunged in the garden. Yesterday I was rewarded with its first flower [with more to come]. Some sort of daylily I do believe....perhaps a tawny one?🧡

Whatever it might be it's mighty fine. It did come as a bit of a shock finding it though because the truth is that I had completely forgotten about ever planting it [gardening not being my thing], but it made for a great discovery! Hope everyone has a great weekend.



  1. It's gorgeous! Isn't it weird how long things take to come up? A blogger sent me some irises 5 years ago and they've only recently flowered! x

    1. It's a lovely surprise when it does eventually happen though isn't it! Arilx

  2. You lucky thing - ours had buds then the dry weather sort of scorched the life out of them and we still don't have any flowers on them. It is beautiful. It is the kind of colour and shape that would look good on a big hat.

  3. I am a very careless gardener, tossing things here and there. I buy 'distressed plants' on clearance from a local garden shop, and I'm never quite sure whether they will actually live or not. So...the flowers are always a nice surprise. Just last week, I was surprised to discover that I had planted some columbine.

  4. It's always been a case of do or die in our garden as we're not terribly vigilant. Arilx



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