Monday, 5 February 2024

Tie a yellow ribbon.....

 My dear friend Arty L is not a fan of Winter. The fact that we were meeting up this early in the year is indeed most unusual, but we've had a big gap due to a horrible situation she has had to deal with in her personal life which I am glad to say is now thankfully resolved. Her advice for getting through this time of year is a regular top up of seeing colour and/or beauty. On our wander back to the tube after our time spend elsewhere she reminded me that I'd mentioned a desire to see the haberdashers V V Rouleaux many years ago. I had forgotten, but it is never too late to realise an ambition is it now and it was all the better for it being an unplanned surprise. Unlike the lyrics of the song from which I've pinched today's blog title, you could tie a ribbon of any colour you could imagine if you bought it from this retail outlet!

I just admired the contents of the shelves. Anywhere that is trading on a road in London with the word Marylebone in it and is sited near Oxford Street is going to have prices to match their high end rent!


PS Sorry Blogger issues again. Have tried signing in another way. It's having none of it!


  1. I'd completely forgotten about V V Rouleaux, they always used to be featured in Living Etc when I subscribed to it! It looks like an absolutely treasure trove. I'm glad it lifted your pal's spirits! xxx

    1. It was in the magazines I used to buy. Haven't bought a magazine in 15 years! Arilx

  2. Oooooh. That looks like hours of endless fun!

    1. It's a small shop, but fabulous if you love colour like me. Arilx

  3. Nothing like a good haberdashers for some colour in your life. it almost makes you wish we still wore elaborate hats

    1. Yes occasionally I do yearn for the glamour of the past, but I do enjoy being comfortable in my clothes too. Arilx

    2. They're rather fine aren't they. Arilx

  4. Rather delicious looking adornments.

    1. A place to look at lovely things. Arilx

  5. You know, that's a dandy go out looking for bright colors! The world seems brighter with a friend. I'm glad that you can be (and have) that friend.

    1. She's a painter and brings a whole new perspective to ehat we see. Arilx

  6. Goodness, this place is beautiful!!!!



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