Monday, 12 February 2024

True Colours

I had a cold last week.... 🎻. Not exactly exciting news, but in between working I spend far more time sitting on my ample rump watching the year by year greatest hits of Top of the Tops than I normally would. Dull though it is resting is what leads to a faster recovery....a lesson which has taken many years for me to learn! The cat was delighted by this new regime....a near permanent lap and actually I enjoyed reliving the songs of my youth. It starts from 1980 which was the first year I listened to the charts properly.

One song which hadn't really been on the radar when it originally came out was 'True Colours' by Cyndi that time I was heavily into the likes of the Cure, Echo & The Bunnymen etc, but now I suddenly heard the lyrics and all of a sudden it seems like an anthem for our times as conversations around what constitutes inclusivity are beginning to become far more common. Within 24 hours of viewing it I then stumbled upon a short documentary about a lady who left the Amish aged 19 in 2004 and was then shunned. It caught my attention because I couldn't fathom why I was seeing a brightly coloured Amish style dress being worn. Her story is one of pain, betrayal, but ultimately triumph as she has reclaimed her Amish identity and recast it in her own rainbow hue. Only Mary can tell her story and she does with dignity, honesty and light humour. The lyrics of 'True Colours' could have been written for her. I've put up the links below for both in case it's of interest.



  1. Like you I was an Indie kid but loved Cyndi Lauper and Madonna just as much. I've seen Cyndi at Glastonbury and her voice is still as good.
    John Grant has been covering for Guy Garvey's Sunday show on 6Music for the last fortnight with an 1980s themed show, he's seriously got the best taste in music ever. Check him out on BBC Sounds if you can!
    That Amish documentary sounds interesting. xxx

    1. Thanks for the recommendation. I enjoy listening to 1980s but not exclusively. Some of it is so naff! Arilx

  2. Replies
    1. Isn't she and she's now doing amazing work for other survivors. Arilx

  3. I am going to be very interested to sit down with that video. I've never heard of it before. Thanks. Glad you feel better.

    1. It's not an easy watch, but it sheds light on a closed world. Arilx


Little Things

Seeing as there's very little to report in the way of blogworthy things this week, I thought that I'd get in a spot of much needed p...