Friday, 2 August 2024

Slow news week.

 Here at GBT it's been working in the heat and as much Olympic viewing as I can get away with.....hence no real news. All I have for you in the way of a rather paltry offering is my sheer delight at learning two new phrases this week.....'don't spare the horses' [be quick and don't waste time] and 'Casey's court' [a gathering of unruly children]. Now to find some sentences which I can work them into! I did manage to tear myself away from the coverage long enough to snap one of the new toppers. There have been a few of late, but this one made me smile.

My apologies...I am also behind with my blog reading and commenting. No excuses...all self inflicted. Mildly abnormal blogging service will be resumed in the next week or so. Have a fabulous weekend. I am dancing at a music festival...not my natural territory and too crowded for me really, but I rather enjoyed it last time despite all that so am looking forwards to making a return visit.



  1. Always nice to learn some new phrases. I've a feeling I might be using Casey's court a couple of times! xxx

    1. New words and phrases are a joy. Arilx


Little Things

Seeing as there's very little to report in the way of blogworthy things this week, I thought that I'd get in a spot of much needed p...