Monday, 19 August 2024

Streamline Moderne

 Had you asked me yesterday what architectural style this fabulous building is I would have confidently replied that it's Art Deco. Today I have learnt it's actually Streamline Moderne which is contemporary and related, but without the decorative elements which come with the former. This was inspired by aerodynamic design and is all about the horizontal and curving lines. Whatever the details this place is glorious and a testament to a time when the functional could be made to look so glamorous. The garage was built in 1919, but the frontage is from 1934. Although the garage closed in 1973 the buildings were left in situ and over time became derelict. Once again someone with vision came to its rescue and got it listed in 2007. The old workshops were demolished, but this was the car showroom which is now a private dwelling. Somehow filling the car up at the supermarket petrol station doesn't quite have the same appeal!



  1. I love art deco, but have never heard of Streamline Moderne. When I first moved to this area about 35 years ago there was a beautiful Art Deco roadhouse which had been empty for years. It was sold, the original crittal windows ripped out and a new extension with a totally out of keeping glass dome added. I checked, but it wasn't listed. It is now empty and up for sale. I am hoping that the next owner realises what a little gem it is and restores it to its former glory.

    1. I hope so too. These places are such gems. Arilx

  2. It's unfortunate (or was it design?) that the windows give it the appearance of a face. Thanks for the lesson in streamline moderne - i shall look more closely at 'deco' buildings in future

    1. Someone else said about it looking like a face too. You notice it more because it is so stripped back without anything there to distract you. Arilx

  3. What a fabulous building and how wonderful that it was rescued by someone with taste as well as vision. There's every chance that it would have just been pulled down here. xxx

    1. We were lucky with this one. Sadly we have lost many here too. Arilx



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