Monday, 25 November 2024


 This is one of the railway bridges in Horsham [or at least part of it] which everyone calls The Iron Bridge. It's a sturdy Victorian example and it marks the change in name from one part of the same road to the next. Besides that on a couple of occasions a bus or a lorry has misjudged the height and got firmly wedged underneath it. Beyond that it's just there and rarely remarked upon.

Yesterday someone asked on a local group what those funny bee skep brickwork additions in the corner were [there are four in total dotted around]. Various theories were put forward including they were there to provide additional support to the structure or as something to deflect any horse drawn vehicle wheels which were in danger of damaging the brickwork. What was obvious was many of us have been walking past them for decades and not noticing them.

As one who loves social history, the answer proved to be much more interesting. This is a urine deflector. Back in the day there were 6 or 7 pubs within a very small area [all now gone] and public toilets would have been few and far between [if at all]. Too much urine caused corrosion so these were put in to discourage chaps from piddling in the corners....if they had done so it would have splashed back and landed on their shoes😁 I was aware of such devices, but have only seen photos of examples made from angled metal attached to walls and didn't know that they came in this sort of shape too. Had I seen one and recognised it as such then I would have certainly taken a photo and told you all about it. All that time and there they were right under my nose!! I'm always at the point of thinking that there can't be any more stories to tell about my home town and yet time and time again I am thankfully proved wrong. It's been my working Monday today, but this [and the opportunity to stock up with new library books] got me out into the sunshine once I'd finished. It's meant that I've had another perfect weird sort of day...there's no point being a weirdling if you don't finely hone your art is there now😊


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  When we bought a new computer a few months ago it came with a very shiny sticker on it. You may quite rightly wonder why I've opened t...