Thursday 7 July 2022


 With the midden having hit the windmill this morning [I'm voting for Larry the no 10 cat if anyone's asking....he's the only one in Downing Street who seems to have sussed out how to behave properly and stay put😈] let's dial down all the media noise over here and share some of the slightly quirkier things I've stumbled across in my most recent ramblings. It's all a bit kitsch, but it all amused me.

The "Peeping Tom" clock in Coventry carved in wood by Trevor Tennant in 1953. Yes we were those two tourists patiently waiting for it to chime at 11am one Wednesday morning last month...a crowd of two! Lady Godiva was the wife of Leofric, the Earl of Mercia. The story of her naked ride through Coventry on horseback is documented from the 1200s, but Peeping Tom doesn't appear in the legend until the 1700s.

This one in Leicester I had written off as a flagpole. However, I couldn't fathom why it apparently had some sort of tree on the bottom. A closer inspection revealed a little green man peering out at me from the trunk which rather took me aback. It's a maypole and doubles up as a story telling tree.

As for the final one this provided the inspiration for today's blog post....the "piece of cheese" cottage and some of its cheesy adornments in Hastings. It's the only wedge shaped cottage in the country and is a one bedroomed dwelling. Great fun, but must be a tad awkward to furnish! 

Many thanks for all your lovely comments....sorry I haven't replied yet, but am packing to go away again and then we have TYM's Masters grad. After that I "think" things should start to settle down a bit [famous last words]. Have a fantastic weekend.



  1. We have enough stuff hitting fans in the US to stay up on your goings. I love the clock. Checking in folks. I maybe need him to check in me.

  2. I love the green man! So well done. The idea of a story telling tree? That just a delightful idea.


Hubble Bubble

  Thank you so much for all your good wishes for the 'All Hallows' event. I am so pleased to say that the weather dried up for us an...