Tuesday, 12 July 2022

On parade.

Evening...the wanderer has returned from a hot, but totally brilliant weekend away at the Tewkesbury Medieval Festival performing with Mythago. Despite the heat we managed to dance and it was lovely to spend time with some of our very new members. Most of the time I forgot to take any photos....was too busy socialising, but on the Sunday morning Mr GBT and I sneaked down to the holding area for the parade early to nab a space for the rest of the side so that at least we could wait in the shade until it was time to be off.

The parade is one of the highlights for me because it's a real community effort and all sorts of people and groups are involved. It spans all ages from the little tots at nursery to the motorised scooter jousting knights. The list of participants mentioned that there was going to be medieval tents and a medieval banquet in amongst the mix....I was intrigued to know how they were going to achieve that....as you can see yours truly wasn't going to let it rest and went off to find out. A few quick photos snatched before I was off on drumming duty!



  1. I'm glad for you that you have your dancing and festivals back. Thank you for the pictures. I know little to nothing about mythago.

    1. Mythago is part of the traditional Morris dancing which is a big thing here in the UK. Arilx

  2. Replies
    1. I didn't have time to capture most of it, but it's a crazy, fun affair with lots of noise. Arilx

  3. Replies
    1. The whole weekend is a blast, but I always love this bit in particular. All of us in Mythago rushed over to the icecream van afterwards to cool down. Arilx

  4. Looks like a good time was had by all. x

  5. Some really spectacular creations there. Does it happen every year? We'll visit next year.

    1. Yes it's on all weekend and it's always the second weekend of July. Even better is that it's free. Arilx



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