Sunday 18 June 2023

A decade on....

 On 15th June 2013 I invited people pull up a chair and take a read if they liked what they saw. In all honesty it was for me to have somewhere to share the many quirky and fascinating things I encounter, to write about my experiences and record the snippets of social history I adore. It was also somewhere that I would leave my private life pretty much at the door and use the space to appreciate what riches I have. It followed on from a dark and turbulent period which had left me in a low place, but it was the first time I had risked creating something with my own stamp and put it out for others to see. In many ways taking that step has been greatly enriching and through it I have come to a far better understanding of who I really am. It's been a very positive experience and has made me determined to keep the content generally light even when I might be below par. A decade on many things have changed for the better, but the things I loved when I started are still very much with me. I thank everyone who has come along with me for the ride for part of the joy of blogging is that it's a two way process and it's brought new people into my sphere. Through it I have made new friends both in the real world and virtually. You've all made it such a pleasure so here's to the next ten!

Obviously it wouldn't be an authentic post if I didn't leave you with a photo of some oddity I found whilst I was's offering is a hobbit door painted by Phil Ironside on the Western Power door in Great Malvern. Tolkien often walked on the Malvern Hills with his great friend C S Lewis.



  1. You have found so many interesting things to photograph over the years - thank you for sharing them all.

  2. Happy blogaversary, Aril. I enjoy your blog. You've got a fine eye for unusual things, and I respect that, being an unusual thing myself.

  3. Your blog is always interesting and fun, Aril. It really is a delight to share your discoveries. Here's to the next 10 years!

  4. ❤️my first post was September 2009 - like yours it was a 'release' from 'things'. Over time it evolved, changed, new name etc.
    I am not sure when or how I 'found' you but I have over the years enjoyed your wonderfully odd finds and unusual stories - thank you x

  5. Keep the oddities coming please Aril!! x


Hubble Bubble

  Thank you so much for all your good wishes for the 'All Hallows' event. I am so pleased to say that the weather dried up for us an...