Monday, 18 September 2023

A day out on the tiles.

Mosaics made with handmade tiles and impressed details by members of the Walthamstow community. All ages and all abilities. Public art for all to enjoy in public spaces. They are the brainchild of Maud Milton from ArtyFace and there are many of her projects to be seen across London. As a last minute thought I'd googled mosaics for this area as I was meeting my friend Lovely Grey the next day and she's a keen mosaicist. She now sells her own works as Heartfelt Mosaics. I think I struck gold with these ones๐Ÿ’—

Just a few from those on display outside Walthamstow School for Girls.

More to come about what else we got up to when we were gadding about.



  1. That is STUNNING! Imagine how grand those would look as part of a garden path? Oh, I have serious envy!

  2. Wow - I love the ones with the bees (your first image) ๐Ÿ˜Š

  3. I loved the use of shades and textures. Arilx



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