Friday, 19 April 2024


Being a soul who could win an Olympic Gold if overthinking was ever included as a sport, one thing which really helps me to slow down and become absorbed is doing a puzzle. I sit down and next time I look up an hour has gone....that's if the four legged attention seeking one doesn't interfere😆

He didn't stick it out very long thankfully and I managed to finish it today! We've enjoyed out time off the hamster wheel this past few days and I hope to bring you a few chosen tales over the coming posts. In the meantime I hope everyone has a cracking weekend.



  1. I do not have a brain nor patience for puzzles. Even in the height of stay at home restrictions during Covid, we managed about 200 pieces tops on a 500 piece puzzle.

    1. I guess it's how your brain is wired. I'm not good at completing things when they're timed. Arilx

  2. That made me giggle, bless him! William's got the whole of the kitchen table to sit on but he's chosen to plonk himself on top of the envelope Jon's scribbled his shopping list on! xxx PS looking forward to reading about your trip!

    1. He's sleeping in top of the bags of loo paper in the cupboard this week! Arilx


The train of thought

Below you can see TYM chuckling at me because I was so excited to see the delightful metal train and carriages running across the height bar...