Monday, 29 April 2024


 'Where flowers bloom so does hope.'
Lady Bird Johnson

Bluebells and Ramsons as far as the eye could see. A gentle poddle around the Newdigate Nature Reserve with my friend Heather. This was the site of the brickworks, but has now been returned to the earth and the area is full of Spring flowers. We missed the orchids on our way round, but were treated to several of the beautiful egg yolk yellow Archangels. I have been very busy of late and now the dancing season has started once again weekends will be even more hectic. Rather than rushing posts out I'll take the opportunity to catch up gently over the coming weeks with what I've been up to aside from the Morris part of my life.



  1. Gorgeous! A bit like how my garden looks at the moment minus the lineful of washing and the heap of vintage radiators! xxx

    1. Our garden is full of bits of wood at the moment and washing too. Arilx

  2. It is, quite suddenly, spring here as well. Those bluebells are lovely. Here, the forgetmenots are blanketing the ground. They really are beautiful.

    1. It got very cold here suddenly again and now it's back to being warmer. Arilx


Beauty Routines

 With things being so up in the air at the moment I am drawing great comfort from the small daily routines which bring a measure of normalit...