Monday, 27 May 2024

Rest awhile and smile.

I parked my ample rump on that there bench and followed the instructions on its plaque. 

It wasn't exactly an onerous task to have to rest awhile and smile. Wouldn't you if you were faced with a field planted up with lupins. We were actually a bit early for this delight as they're only really just starting. Thankfully we have a cunning plan as Mr GBT reckons that we can make a minor diversion when we're travelling elsewhere next month, so hopefully we'll see them in all their glory then. This little gem is behind the church in the West Sussex hamlet of Terwick. We were over that way for another reason, so it seemed the perfect time to pay it a visit. More info here


Hope you've all enjoyed your Bank Hols.



  1. I remember a lot of lupins in our garden as a nipper growing up. I bought two plants for my garden here. Sadly they only lasted one season. I think they were choked by all the other plants in the bed. Or maybe they didn't like the compost.

  2. Can't wait for the full display. We used to have spectacular lupin displays in the stony riverbeds of inland Canterbury NZ - but they were deemed to be invasive pest plants and I understand have been cleared out. No more views of the alps with pink and purple foreground. I have tried them in my gardens here but without any real success. (Too poor draining perhaps)

  3. I've never been able to grow lupins much to my chagrin, I love them! x


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