Friday, 20 September 2024

Ee by gum

Art can be created anywhere. It doesn't need the kudos of being in a gallery to be admired. As we crossed the Millennium Bridge in pursuit of another piece of art along the North Bank, I stopped briefly to admire these little creative gems by Ben Wilson. There's a reason why he's called 'the chewing gum man' 

Hope you all have a great weekend.



  1. That's certainly draws attention to it.🤣 one can't help but admire how some other folk see the world.

  2. That's a clever idea. He is a very talented artist. Thanks for the link.

  3. What an inspired idea to turn discarded blobs of chewing gum into miniature works of art! I absolutely love this! xxx

  4. I love the idea that people just create these little masterpieces for no other reason than to amuse themselves and others.


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