Wednesday, 4 September 2024

1982 does Medieval

 I only wish I could tell you who created this marvellous Medieval inspired incised artwork. All I know is that it was done in 1982 and you can find it in the Cross and Pillory House in Alton, Hampshire. Whoever it was understood odd angle that the original Medieval artists depicted the human face with....I have seen many a fellow in church wall paintings looking very much like that chap in the pillory. We were taking a post prandial stroll with our friends who live in the town. I saw many other marvels which I'll share, but this one was my stand-out and I want to give it the floor.



  1. I have been up that A31 a few times (motorbike commute - motorway closed for something - imagine what that did to traffic flow) and have never made a purposeful visit to see of ths towns along the way. Perhaps I ought to. Those a wonderful tributes to a very distinctive period of our art history.

  2. They are fantastic, I particularly love the chap in the pillory! xxx


Little Things

Seeing as there's very little to report in the way of blogworthy things this week, I thought that I'd get in a spot of much needed p...