Tuesday, 22 October 2024

Batty Scaremaker

 It was another of my precious Mondays off and I was due to be in London, but my lovely friend was called for a very important NHS appointment so understandably needed to postpone. Despite the weather not looking very promising I donned my waterproofs and boots and took myself and my inner four year old over to Nymans to enjoy their Halloween themed trail. Thankfully it's still term time here which just left me and a heap of toddlers spotting the spooky sites. As ever the National Trust staff have done a fabulous job and, as if all that excitement wasn't enough, I then decided to drive on to the next village because they always have a cracking new topper every time I get over there. I wasn't disappointed👻🦇❤👀💀😈

Having had a wild old morning I sat down like a sensible adult and got on with the tedious task of finishing my new dancing mask which I am delighted to report is now done thank goodness! 



  1. What fun. I love watching the kids celebrate their days. So sweet. Now...about that mask...when do we get a glimpse?

  2. I want to see the mask, too! Loving that black cat decoration the most! xxx

  3. Wonderful - from Batty Broomsticks.

  4. I love seeing other peoples creative inventions.



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