Friday, 11 November 2022

In remembrance 11th November 2022

It's not often that I have had personal experience of people sharing their wartime memories with me, but I do remember falling into conversation with a delightful lady a few years ago when I was out walking, Then in her 80s, she recalled as a six year old being at home with her Mother and Aunt. Her Aunt had lost her husband to influenza in 1919 after his return from his service in the Great War. Their only son was away fighting in WWII and on that day she recalled the policeman Norman coming to their front door. Her Aunt stood up saying it would be for her and he gave her the news that her son had died. It was the sound of the scream and then the two women crying which had stayed with her the most. Her recollection made it seem so much more real that reading about it.

I've been quietly photographing all the beautiful work which has appeared round the town in remembrance of the fallen. 

The Unknown Soldier


1 comment:

A family day out

 We see TYM on a fairly regular basis these days, but it tends to be of the sharing a meal and then us all doing our own thing at the weeken...