Wednesday, 27 June 2018

Blooming lovely!

We managed a leisurely four mile stroll every day last week on holiday. No impressive distances achieved for we were there to drink it all in and take our time to appreciate what we saw. Much as I love seeing the wildlife it's the flowers which always call to me. Oh yes and flowers stay still so not only can Mr GBT take some photos there's also at least a fighting chance that we might be able to identify them when we return to the homestead. We did this a lot in the early days, but it lapsed during our active parenting years....small kidlets don't do patience. After many years break we have returned to one of our shared loves and are gradually catching up with old friends as well as discovering new ones. Sadly my retention for the names of many is just as lousy as it always was and I have to start afresh at the start of every season! I haven't looked all these up yet so please forgive me....just photos, but no names this time.

These weren't all of them by all means!



  1. Amazing to see so many different things, thought I knew wild flowers but don't recognise those

    1. Thank you Sue. Some of them are common, but others were new to me.



 I've been getting some practice in today using my new phone. We've been to a Sussex garden called Denmans which is new to both of u...