Tuesday, 20 September 2022

Hints and Tints

 So slowly the fingers of Autumn are beginning to creep into the early and later parts of the day. The leaves are not yet turning, but there is a coolness before I leave for work and there is much talk of foraging and preserving of crops. With some small errands to run I took a couple of shots as I made my way leisurely back from my stroll into town.

However, with my temperament, I'm not one who likes to be still for too long and Sunday provided a day of pure uplifting joy for me. Originally, I had planned to organise a simple pub danceout with another Morris side which is something I have done several times during the summer. However, on this occasion the universe had other plans for me. I'd asked one Border morris team if they would like to join us, but they already had another commitment this weekend so they weren't free. However, as I'd been casting around for a suitable date with another border side it seemed to fit the bill and so they accepted. Within a matter of days the other side came back to me and asked if they could now come because their event had been cancelled. The pub landlord and lady were very accommodating and welcomed us all. There were other glitches on the way which raised my anxiety levels, but in the end the feedback from everyone was what a great time they'd had all dancing together [they're two Surrey teams who know each other] and please could we all do it again! For me the pleasure was just taking a step back and watching the others enjoying themselves. It was a new venture for us, but worth repeating I think.

Yesterday we took our foot off the gas again a little. More using the hay box and my first chocolate sponge in the slow cooker. I don't know why, but I'm always sure these things aren't going to work, but am glad to say Pooh Bear not Eeyore won the day and it was a success. Not the sort of cake you'd serve for tea, but the sort that goes perfectly with icecream or custard! The recipe was on one of the links here http://gnatbottomedtowers.blogspot.com/2022/09/thrifty-wednesday.html One we'll keep for an occasional treat I think!



  1. This time next year you will be a 'promoter', big festivals here she comes!

    1. Never in a million years...corporate events organiser material I am not!! Arilx

  2. we used to use hay boxes when we lived in Africa, my mom made stews and soups in them. When we have our log burner on during the colder months, I sit a heavy pan on it during the day so by the evening we have a gently cooked meal

    1. Yes the principle has existed in various forms for many centuries. Arilx

  3. I love sunflowers. It's summer greeting fall. I'm on my front porch morning after hard rain. It smells so fresh.

    1. I can't feel anything but joy when I see sunflowers too. Arilx

  4. Kind of a happy dance then. Trust the hay box cooking is going well. x

    1. The haybox has been far more successful than I ever imagined. Am now wondering why I didn't do it yonks ago! Arilx


A family day out

 We see TYM on a fairly regular basis these days, but it tends to be of the sharing a meal and then us all doing our own thing at the weeken...