Wednesday, 7 September 2022

Thrifty Wednesday



With the current energy price rises looming I see much talk of buying air fryers, heated airers and other things to help people to save money and keep their usage as low as possible. Absolutely nothing wrong with any of that. We have a tiny kitchen with very limited storage space, so I think long and hard before I buy any gadgets [or anything for that matter]. Those that are here have earnt their place and when our slow cooker pot cracked earlier in the year we immediately replaced it.

Our sc has seen much use for the standard things like casseroles and cooking gammon joints. I've done a fair amount of experimenting to see what else I can cook in it over the years. Bread was a surprising success [it seems counter intuitive] as was lemon curd and fudge [slightly different texture]. On Christmas day we made another suet pudding same as here  Some not can do baked potatoes in it, but ours had soggy skins. However, I will only be using our electric oven for batch cooking so I've been reassessing the sc to see what else it can do. Lots apparently! Over the coming months I'm going to have a crack at making crumble, cake, roast potatoes and I may even have a crack at pizza.🍕  The hay box will now be pressed into action for casseroles.

Hope this is of help. I'm just very pleased that I'll still have crumble and be baking when the mood takes me. Where there's a will there's a way😉



  1. We bought our slow cooker from a car boot sale for £1 about eight years ago, I mostly cook dhal in ours - I need to dust it off before we start burning the furniture!

    1. They are much more versatile than I could have ever imagined. Arilx

  2. I've got two crock pots going as we speak! One is simmering the base broth (ham, onion, celery) for a pot of potato soup. The other is cooking a pork loin that has been marinating in sesame honey marinade. I will use part of it to make a stirfry. The left over vegetables and pork will be see the table again in a fried rice. Those pots are very versatile, and they allow me to make multiple meals simultaneously. which saves a lot of time and energy. A friend has been sick and it is nice to have a collection of meals to tempt his appetite as well.

    1. They are such a good addition to the kitchen aren't they. Arilx

  3. I am someone else with a tiny kitchen and very little storage space, so no microwave, food processor etc. I usually use my slow cooker for stews and rice pudding, but you have got me thinking. Your suet pudding looks scrummy and I am sure it tastes gorgeous too, but pizza in a slow cooker? Intrigued!

    1. I shall give it a try [cake first though]...shall be interested to see the results! Arilx


A Quite Interesting Monday

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