Thursday, 1 September 2022


Thriftiness is in my genes, but my personal strap line has always been "wearing a new-to-me silk shirt not one made of hair". After seeing a gentleman tragically lose his life in a road traffic accident at the beginning of the year it made me realise how much time I'd wasted being fearful and like a rabbit caught in headlights. It was a stark lesson to see that it really can all be taken from you in a split second. For two months I withdrew from everything and everyone. I went to work and did what needed to be done, but didn't socialise and spent that time dealing with the fallout of the emotional response I experienced. Since then I've made some big changes, stopped many self destructive behaviours and started to be braver. These days I don't seek approval and am proactive in pushing myself beyond my own imposed boundaries. I follow my instinct when making decisions and that way I think I'm then able to live in the way that is right for me. One of those gut reactions led me to the impulsive purchase of these preloved boots from Vintage Vixen a few months ago...I am just so thrilled to own these and am itching to wear them in the coming months! I might be a marketing company's nightmare, but when I love something I really love it. A treat, whatever form that might take, is good for the soul💙💚💛💜🌈

Despite the maelstrom going on around us right now please look after yourselves and remember you can only do what you can..there is much magic and beauty to be found for those who seek it. Hope everyone has a good weekend.



  1. Such a great post. I try to live for each day and not worry about much. If I can't change things then I don't worry about them. Tom as you know is terminal but my thoughts are the same there. I do what I can but worrying will not change anything.
    I've tried to bang this into my kids and they are getting better.
    Worrying about what others think of us is another thing isn't it?
    Probably instilled into us by our parents to not show yourself up, I know it is the case with me and again I've got over that now.
    I just love those boots but sadly they would cripple my feet, I'm in sandals most of the year, lol

    1. Thanks Briony. I've taken a similar tack withTYM. I have worked hard to build his self belief and resilience. Arilx

  2. We LOVE those boots. We hope they make you feel really confident when you show them off.

    1. I couldn't pass up the opportunity of having them! Arilx

  3. Fabulous boots. A good choice. You will be skipping along with those on.

  4. Only the other day my friend and I were saying how we wished that when we were younger we were the strong brave people that we are now. My life would have been so different. Those boots look amazing don't they.

    1. I've tried to instill the confidence to be his own person in my son. Now he's 24 he cares a great deal less of what others think of him. Arilx

  5. The boots are very nice...and your message very appropriate to these times. The one thing that I would add is that each of us has our own magic to share with this world.

    1. I completely agree Debby. We can learn a lot from others and the way they see the world. Arilx


Little Things

Seeing as there's very little to report in the way of blogworthy things this week, I thought that I'd get in a spot of much needed p...