Thursday 16 November 2023

Craptastic Achievement.

 It has long been my ambition to find something worthy of the "Crap you find in charity shops" FB group, but the shops in town have very rarely yielded anything which would meet the standard required. From tales my son told of his time of volunteering for Oxfam they received some cracking donations, but these never made it onto the shop floor. All the ones here are tasteful with carefully curated shelves of bric-a-brac and colour coordinated racks of clothing. I had almost given up ever unearthing any treasures [unlike Chippenham earlier this year where I photographed some perfect examples!]. This past Monday my luck changed.....with a clothing rail of Christmas jumpers I spotted a sleeve of one which stood out as totally different to all the others. It piqued my interest sufficiently for me to bother to pull it out just to have a quick look...........

I knew in that instance that it was mission accomplished and yes that is a hairy torso complete with belly button you can see under all the decs😝.  In order to get these photos I sneaked round the corner and had to take them's been well received in the group and I feel like I received the ultimate accolade in the comments of  'it's truly craptastic'.

When there is turmoil in the world and a constant feed of difficult news to contend with I hope this bit of utter silliness brings a drop of light relief. Have a fabulous weekend everyone!



  1. OMG. I have no idea what else to say. How did that make it through the vetting process?

  2. For a second I thought you were going to say that you bought it!!

    1. Thank goodness even I wasn't tempted. Arilx

  3. I have lots of questions about the origins of this top. Like Where? When? and who on earth bought it in the first place?!
    Truly bad!

    1. One has to wonder what the thought process was behind it. Arilx

  4. I bet that's from Temu, I get some awful stuff popping up as adverts on Facebook! x

    1. I expect so. Truly hilarious and dreadful. I kept my £7.50. Arilx

  5. When visiting the "world's largest antique mall" in Centerville, Indiana, my friends and I have a competition to discover the weirdest item on offer. I once won with a handmade ceramic piggy bank sporting the head of Adolf Hitler.

    1. Having seen many of the entries nothing surprises me. Arilx


Batty Scaremaker

 It was another of my precious Mondays off and I was due to be in London, but my lovely friend was called for a very important NHS appointme...