Sunday, 12 November 2023


We drove over to Hampshire yesterday to have lunch with some very good friends of ours. They have just bought their first place together so we were given the grand tour and smashing it was too. Nothing else to report from our visit, but we were rather later in arriving than planned because of several sets of roadworks. By nature I'm a punctual person, but if it's out of my control I've learnt not to old boy once said to me that it's better to arrive ten minutes late in this life rather than 25 years too early in the next and I have to say I agree with his wise words. Besides sitting in a traffic jam did have its advantages as I noticed that someone had used their left over wood and had a bit of fun with it by turning it into a smilie and putting it up on their fence for all to enjoy😊. I'd never have noticed it had we not been stationary at the time and no I wasn't behind the steering wheel.

Earlier on I'd gone out at silly o'clock as per normal to do the usual trolley trundle around the supermarket. It's never that exciting, but you'll know from my previous posts about how I like to find things to amuse me and to inject a bit of fun into it. Invariably something crops up and this week's drop of joy was this.  I wasn't born with any Jingle Bell genes and most definitely not in November so the only Christmas spirit I'd be having this month is a drop of the Scrooge type of spirit! That's not to say I'm a complete Grinch...even I will have managed to shove on my Christmas head by the time we hit Yule!

This is a deliberately light hearted post. Sometimes we all need a few hours away from the real world.



  1. I have an very big urge to put up the Christmas tree very, very early this year.

    1. I won't but lots of people have. The coloured lights are a good way of combating the dreary grey weather. Arilx

  2. 'A few hours away from the real world' is essential, particularly at present. Christmas hype starts far too early but I smiled at the bottles.

    1. It's good to step away from all the madness of the season. Arilx

  3. If I drunk whisky I'd be tempted with the Scrooge one! Wetherspoons was all done up like a grotto this morning, I had to tell Jon to keep his gob shut, he loathes tinsel & Xmas tat in November as much as I do! xxx

    1. Our son worked in John Lewis...they played their Xmas advert on a loop which drove him bonkers. He doesn't like Xmas at the best of times. Arilx



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