Thursday, 11 January 2024


For reasons I know not, Blogger is currently showing me as anonymous every time I try to reply to all of your lovely comments, so for now thank you again. Having addressed that let's press on with an actual post....well I say 'post' that's probably a rather bold claim....more like a cobbled together jobbie sweeping up the crumbs of a quieter week. 

The pace of January is rather sslllloooww after the mad dash which is December😅 However, all it not lost though because it means that I have started and finished a little teeny sewing project already this year. I've wanted my own Mari Lwyd [if you're scratching your head about the name the explanation is here] for some time now. Aside from the distinct lack of space and oh the fact that Mr GBT might not be very keen on sharing our home with a horse's skull [I haven't asked him so could be wrong], these little obstacles aren't going to deter a stubborn dame. When I set my mind to rummage in my craft stash and I've made this. Imperfect, but has filled the gap nicely without parting with a single penny.

For the past couple of years I have really begun to realise how much I enjoy injecting a bit of so called 'children's fiction' [I use the term loosely as these books have many different layers to them] into my reading mix once in a while. Next on the list is the Narnia series as I only ever read 'The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe' and I suspect that I have missed out by doing so. Currently I am rereading the entire HP lot and speaking of which...we have just booked tickets for the Dark Arts Studio Tour. It's not until the Autumn so I am going to have to sit on my hands, but am far more excited than a 57 year old should be😂

This however, is by far my favourite snippet of news this week. I took this slightly blurred photo of the three swans when we went to Knowle Community Park last Sunday. It wasn't that exciting so I didn't bother to share it, but I was pleased to see that the wildlife is already beginning to colonise the newly dug lake.....

It turns out that this was not a small thing, but a rather bigger thing than I had realised. When I got home I found that a notification had been put up that same day to say that these three mute swans had literally turned up over the weekend and thus there was nothing muted about the joy at their arrival🦢🦢

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend....mine is going to involve a lot of standing outside in the cold. Don't feel sorry for me it's my choice!



  1. Swans and new projects sounds like important and wonderful snippets of life.

    1. January is a good month to sample a few new delights. Arilx

  2. I absolutely love your horse, are you going to wear it as a brooch and let the world see it?
    Gorgeous photo of those swans!
    This 57 year has never seen or read any Harry Potter (my Mum loved it!) but I love having something booked to get excited about and you'll be amazed at how quickly your day out rolls around. xxx
    PS Another of my friends, Ann of Polyester Princess is having the same Blogger issues.

    1. I've got it out as part of a seasonal display. Arilx

  3. Fabulous and not at all creepy. Would be a most excellent brooch. Perhaps you could felt yourself a full sized one (lots of wool tops and some patient stabbing with felting needles) that Mr GBT could not possibly object to.

  4. I've popped it out on my altar which I change the display on as we move round the wheel of the year. Arilx

  5. Outside...cold...not for me just now...but am slowly hoping to get back in the saddle of more normal life this week. x


Little Things

Seeing as there's very little to report in the way of blogworthy things this week, I thought that I'd get in a spot of much needed p...