Thursday 4 July 2024

Far up above our heads....

 ...lurked this fellow in the CCT church of St Mary's in Shrewsbury. The volunteer very kindly shone her torch upon this fellow high up and barely visible to the naked eye. Mr GBT is a dab hand with a long lens and we were able to show the lady the detail of him as she'd never seen a close-up shot before. I mentioned in passing that this is the first greenman I've seen in what seems like rather a long time. She too shares my passion and used to lead spiritual tours round the non Christian sacred sites in the country. It's always good to find a kindred spirit❤

Have a great weekend folks. 


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Far up above our heads....

 ...lurked this fellow in the CCT church of St Mary's in Shrewsbury. The volunteer very kindly shone her torch upon this fellow high up ...