Monday, 16 January 2023

Dancing shenanigans

 Friday evening and with the jukebox and glitterball spinning it was the January Blues disco mark II. Such was the success of last year's trial run my friend S and I have decided to make it an annual event...some might think it's rather tragic two middle aged dames whirling around her front room to cheesy tracks from their teenage years with a break midway for some high calorie snacks. The intention was to laugh a lot and raise our serotonin levels at what can be a difficult time of year..both of which we managed in spades and as an added extra I have finally mastered the actions for YMCA. You are being spared photos😆 [this image is from Pixabay]

In other weekend news a fair proportion of Saturday was spent in Dorking at the invitation of Boxhill Bedlam to help them celebrate their wassail in the community orchard. Morris dancers at ease....spending a Saturday afternoon in the company of others attired like this is perfectly normal in my world. It was another great success and each one is different. On this occasion they had the crowning of the Wassail Queen at the pub before we moved onto the orchard when it got dark.

A quiet Sunday was definitely in need after all that jigging about I've been and recuperation was the order of the day. Apparently not only for me...that daft feline decided that Mr GBT's empty mandolin case was just the perfect place for a lengthy snooze. Normally he wakes up if I try to take a photo of him, but he was so out of it that he didn't stir. Honestly nothing is sacred if you share your home with one of these furry beasts!



  1. Humphrey sleeping in Mr GBT's case is a wonderful capture! x

    1. He is a love, but daft doesn't even come near to covering it! Arilx

  2. January Blues Disco is fantastic! Whatever gets us all motivated d to spring is a great use of time in my book. 70's and 80's music? Even better.

    1. It was a real trip down memory lane. Arilx

  3. It makes me laugh to see them just take on the shape of whatever they have poured themselves into.



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