Wednesday, 11 January 2023

Rock the frock

 I'm in need of another injection of beauty today, so unashamedly I am returning to the beautiful costume gallery in Worthing Museum and plundering the photos I took. Unfortunately I can't provide you with the specifics as I spent my time looking at the beautiful details [and gabbing with my friend😁 quite possibly], but I hope you enjoy some of the exhibits I saw.

Stunning to look at, but I am extremely grateful that corsets are not part of my daily attire. I adore that royal purple one.



  1. If you like historic clothing - have you seen Bernadette Banner's site? She is an American living in London and is a historical clothing reconstructionist and make the most absorbing videos of her sewing - easily fall down that particular rabbit hole on a rubbish weather day when I have to do stuff indoors -
    Her knowledge is wide ranging - like how to wash your hair like the Edwardians did - in raw egg and warm water - erm scrambled eggs any one?!

    1. Thank you for the recommendation. I haven't come across this lady before so will take a look. Arilx

  2. So very pretty, but not very practical for popping down to the shops in. I like dress number three. Lovely colour and quite modern looking fabric.

    1. Some of the fabrics are gorgeous aren't they. Arilx

  3. Stunning costumes, thank you for showing them. They seem to be straight out of a Georgette Heyer novel.

    1. They wouldn't look out of place in a period drama. Arilx

  4. I would be good uncomfortable in the dresses, but they are beautiful.

  5. Beautiful but could you imagine wearing any of them these days? Symbolic of restrictions on women and their activities - particularly in the wealthier classes.

    1. It was known that if a ship sunk the women would be far more likely to drown because of the sheer weight of their dresses compared to what the men wore. Arilx


Little Things

Seeing as there's very little to report in the way of blogworthy things this week, I thought that I'd get in a spot of much needed p...