The life and adventures of a mildly dotty old bird.
Sunday, 30 April 2023
Hedgehog Awareness Week
Friday, 28 April 2023
Plastering over the problem.
This amused me as I walked past the other day. It's not my car I hasten to add.
Have a fabulous weekend.
Wednesday, 26 April 2023
When we were downing a spot of lunch we were rather surprised to look out of the garden window to see this Sparrowhawk doing exactly the same. I've never seen one at such close quarters.
Tuesday, 25 April 2023
Gloucester Reimagined
In my head I planned to do a tour type post of our recent visit to Gloucester with photos of curios and accompanying details. There was a wealth of images to choose from yet as I scrolled through the images this is what leapt out at me....this set of modern stained glass windows in the cathedral completely took my breath away. They are the work of Thomas Denny and were made in 2014. The shards incorporated at the top are medieval. I've included the information boards for anyone who wants to read more about them. I can't top them so this is now my offering about this fabulous city which I believe is rather overlooked by many.
Sunday, 23 April 2023
And so it begins.....
'Tis only the start of the new dancing season today....the Morris Cat reliably informs me that he's ready and raring to go.....I have my doubts somehow!
So in typical Mythago fashion it might be St George's Day, but we're going rogue and dancing our Sussex Knucker Dragon story instead. We have nursed our original dragon through the last few seasons, but it's now in retirement and this is its fiery new replacement. Several members of the side [not me I hasten to add] collaborated and have created this fabulous beast to join us for the shenanigans.
Friday, 21 April 2023
False Windows
Sometimes I've seen that people have had fake windows painted into the gaps left behind by those wanting to avoid the infamous window tax. This example looked to be the same except it comes with that lovely little added detail of a moggie 😻. Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend.
Wednesday, 19 April 2023
A Grand Day Out
The legend goes that two giants called Vincent and Goram created the Avon Gorge, whilst the ancient king Brennius founded Bristol. On this occasion the reality is rather more mundane, but it started out life as a small Saxon settlement and has now grown into the biggest city in the South West. I've shamelessly pinched Aardman Animation's film title as they and of course Banksy are two of its more modern exports. I've enclosed the one original Banksy [called well hung lover] we came across in situ as we didn't have enough time to go deliberately hunting them out and a rather, shall we say, curious depiction of Wallace and Gromit. This is just one lone example of the street art which is round every corner. I could do a week's worth of posts on them alone, but I'll spare you!
Such an interesting city even if we barely scratched the surface. A long overdue post about Gloucester should be next.
Monday, 17 April 2023
Donation Station
Gloucester Cathedral does a cracking line in original donation best usually you get a rather earnest model of the cathedral or at worst a perspex box near the entrance. These ones are imaginative and dare I say it rather fun.
The 'Harry P' font is no's referencing the use of the stunning cloisters in the first Harry Potter film where they were used as the corridors in Hogwarts [the location was also used in the second film].
As for this gruesome twosome....did I feed them. Well of course I did....I couldn't let the gargoyles starve now could I!!
Friday, 14 April 2023
I stumbled across this purely by a chance off a side road near the town. The simple fishy detail pleases me greatly. Hope you have a fabulous weekend.
Thursday, 13 April 2023
Art to make you stop and think.
The artist who created this very moving piece of sculpture in Bristol wished to remain anonymous. I feel it's important to share along with the link from Mind
PS The piece is called "Bear with me" and is by Getting Up To Stuff
Monday, 10 April 2023
When the Chipps are down
This is classic me. Mr GBT and I were tossing ideas back and forth as to where we might stop for a cuppa on our outward journey for our recent trip away. I suggested Chippenham as we'd been before and liked it when we'd popped in years ago. "What's there?" himself asked [not too unreasonably] to which I listed several 'things of interest'. Turns out there were a couple of holes in my plan....for starters it was Chipping Campden we'd been before and some of my things to see were in Chippenham, but not the one in Wiltshire, but in Cambs😆 Ah well I was never one to let a couple of minor glitches get in the way of exploring and it did mean we ended up going somewhere completely new even if it wasn't quite what we had intended!!
As ever just a random series of shots from our wander around. It was a bit showery, but we managed to turn up some stuff.
Barber related topiary.... note I have resisted the temptation to use that combination of the words "bush" and "trim" in the same sentence 😈
Off duty
All the small, but significant steps Mr GBT has made over this past week meant that today he told me he would be happy for me to walk into t...

Certainly a new twist on the usual blue plaque. It made us laugh and had us scratching our heads. It just seemed rather odd, but even th...
I'm leaving today's post in the very capable hands of The Cure. Was a huge fan back in the day and still enjoy hearing their unique...
I think if you heed the advice in the text below you might want to think twice about sitting on this bench.....them dragons is dangerous bea...