Wednesday, 17 May 2023

Away from the hubbub

 Kensington High Street on a Saturday morning is a noisy place...sirens wailing, horns blaring, crowds of people. I've always been quite sensitive to loud noises and the busyness of those around me and to stop myself becoming overwhelmed I need to be able to escape for a few minutes to recalibrate. London is an amazing city for this with all its quiet side street and intimate green spaces. 10 steps away from the main thoroughfare and I came across all this...two small public gardens, a row of very exclusive real shops where one could purchase a beautiful bridal tiara or a new handmade cravat and a row of imagined shops with a black cat. For ten minutes I was able to sit and then gently explore where I was before rejoining the throngs and making my way up to Kensington Gardens in pursuit of the Elfin Oak.

It is often the unexpected discoveries I make between my planned finds which bring me the greatest pleasure.


PS The artwork was commissioned by a resident who lived in the street in the 1960s. That's his daughter at the window and his pet cat!


  1. I love the painted store fronts! That's such a nice idea.

  2. London can be so full of surprises!


The January Man

I heard this song for the first time at our folk club recently. As we head out of January with the promise of some early signs of Spring dan...